Sustainability Report Shows Energy Savings, Water Use Reduction

Solar panels at the Corvallis Municipal Airport

Savings from energy reductions at the City of Corvallis have surpassed $1 million since 2004, according to the organization’s 2017 Sustainability Report, and water use is down 40 percent since 2007. The report, which has provided a regular accounting of activity since 2004, offers a snapshot of the organization’s performance on its sustainability goals.

In addition to quantifying environmental impact of City operations, the Sustainability Report also tracks social and economic impacts, including employee wellness and purchasing.

Among the key conclusions of the report:

  • Energy emissions are down 27 percent since 2004, representing more than $1 million in cost savings.
  • Water use is down 40 percent across the entire organization since 2007. This is equivalent to the amount of water used to fill the entire Osborn Aquatic Center 68 times over.
  • Waste sent to the landfill mostly unchanged, but moving forward the City expects this to increase as organizations continue to struggle with a changing market for recyclable material.
  • Employee participation in wellness programs has remained above target numbers for the last three years, which contributes to a healthier and more sustainable workforce.

City and community leaders use the information provided by the Sustainability Report to help understand the organization’s performance and identify areas for collaboration and improvement.

For more information on sustainability in Corvallis, go to