Public Notification & Spill Response Plan
October 2001
This manual has been prepared to provide guidance to City staff responding to a wastewater discharge, including public notification.
The City of Corvallis has made a careful assessment of the potential health risks associated with wastewater discharge. This review includes obtaining river flow data from the US Geological Survey (USGS) to estimate the average travel times in the Mid-Willamette River for gauging the public exposure period. The results of this work were then used in the development of an appropriate sampling plan and public notification procedures protective of public health.
Information contained in this manual is to be used for determining the appropriate level of response and public notification, and to ensure all reporting procedures are followed.
The discharge reporting schematic coupled with the reporting procedures table provides a general overview of all response and notification decisions, contacts, and action steps to take when a discharge occurs.
The manual also includes general guidance and supplemental information including emergency phone numbers, sampling protocol, media contacts, and specific overflow site information.
Wastewater Release or Overflow
During a storm event or pump station failure, untreated wastewater may be discharged from pump station overflow points, and/or combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfalls. The status of pumping stations and CSO outfalls are continuously monitored by SCADA telemetry. Discharges are detected by high level alarms at wastewater pumping stations and by overflow monitors at CSO outfalls.
The following procedures are written for use by Wastewater Reclamation Plant (WWRP) staff as a guideline to notify the public, the media and the appropriate DEQ staff of such events.
Collection System Overflow Points
The City has six (6) points in the collection system that may overflow during storm induced flow conditions or a pump station failure:
Overflow Location | Outfall No. | Discharge Point | |
1 | WWRP Pump Station 1304 NE Second St |
003, 005 and 007 | Combined Sewer Outfalls River Mile 131.3 - 132.2 |
2 | Marys River Pump Station 225 SE Chapman Pl SE Chapman Pl and 3rd St |
008 | Marys River River Mile 0.25 |
3 | Brooklane Pump Station 2600 SW Morris Ave SW Morris Ave and SW 26th St |
009 | Oak Creek River Mile 4.0 |
4 | Avery Park Pump Station City Facilities at Avery Park |
011 | Marys River River Mile 0.5 |
Incident Report Form
To be immediately completed for any wastewater release or overflow. Submit the completed form with information regarding the incident to the Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee.
News Media
The Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee will initiate contact with the news media. On-scene staff will regularly update the Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee of developments relating to the discharge. News media contact with city staff shall be limited to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of technical information.
Interdepartmental Communications
The Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee will immediately notify the Utilities Division Manager in the event of a wastewater discharge.
Personnel shall communicate using the Corvallis Public Works radio channel 5 or a cellular telephone. On-scene staff communicates with the designated command post using either the radio or cellular telephone.
To inform the public that a wastewater discharge has occurred, signs will be posted at discharge sites.
November 1 through April 30 Greater than estimated 50,000 gallons
May 1, through October 31 Greater than estimated 10,000 gallons
Sampling is to be conducted for summer discharges (May 1, through October 31) meeting the reporting criteria listed in Table 2, under the Reporting Procedures. In stream water quality samples will be collected from locations listed for each of the identified overflow points. Samples are to be taken using sampling protocol EPA-600/8/78/017 (on file in Water Quality Laboratory), and the appropriate chain-of-custody form.
Continue sampling two days following a summer discharge event or until downstream E-coli counts are less than the State of Oregon water quality standard of 406/100 ml or less than “background” if “background” is higher than 406/100 ml.
Chain of Custody
The chain of custody record includes: sample identification, date and location the sample was collected, list of analytical tests requested, and visual observations describing field conditions during sampling.
Notify the DEQ of any reportable wastewater discharge as soon as practicable and within the 24 hours reporting requirement. During regular business hours notify Tom Fisher, DEQ Salem office, at 503-378-8240x236 or the Duty Officer in his absence. After regular business hours notify the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) at 800-452-0311. Note the Incident Number assigned by OERS on the Incident Report form for reference.
Notify the Benton County Environmental Health office of any reportable wastewater discharge as soon as practicable. During regular business hours contact Bob Wilson at 541-766-6842; leave a message at 541-766-6841 in his absence.
Notify the City of Adair Village, the City of Albany and downstream residents as listed under Contact Names and Telephone Numbers
A written follow-up report of the discharge must be submitted to the DEQ within five working days. Include date, time, volume, and duration of the wastewater discharge; the cause; and the steps taken to minimize possible environmental impacts. Also include any evidence that an upset condition existed and the event was beyond the control of the City.
Clean-up Procedures
Typically, overflows discharge directly into a receiving stream. When appropriate, the City will remove as much wastewater debris as possible, flush hard surfaces with water, or cover with hydrated lime. Secure the area as needed and post temporary signs warning the public of the discharge.
Reporting procedures are shown in flowchart format on the Reporting Procedures Schematic.
During winter months the following procedure shall be used. Winter is defined as November 1 through April 30, unless modified by DEQ.
Table 1
Discharge Volume in Gallons per Day | Reporting Procedure |
Less than estimated 50,000 gallons |
Greater than estimated 50,000 gallons |
During summer months the following procedure shall be used. Summer is defined as May 1, through October 31, unless modified by DEQ.
Table 2
Discharge Volume in Gallons per Day | Reporting Procedure |
Less than estimated 10,000 gallons |
Greater than 10,000 gallons |
Incident Report Form
Submit the completed Incident Report Form with information regarding any wastewater release or overflow to the Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee.
Site Information
WWRP Raw Wastewater Pump Station
The Raw Wastewater Pump Station is located at 1304 NE Second St. During a pumping failure flow exits the CSO outfall structures that discharge to the Willamette River.
Sign Locations |
Sample Locations |
Marys River Pump Station
The Marys River Pump Station is located at SE Chapman Pl. and 3rd St. A system surcharge may occur when wastewater flow exceeds the pumping capacity of the pump station. Discharge spills into an 8-inch discharge pipeline at SW 3rd St and Marys River. The discharge is diverted to the Marys River at R.M. 0.25.
Sign Locations |
Sample Locations |
Brooklane Pump Station
The Brooklane Pump Station is located at SW Morris Ave. & SW 26th St. A system surcharge may occur when wastewater flow exceeds the pumping capacity of the pump station. Discharge spills into an 8-inch discharge pipeline. The discharge is diverted to Oak Creek at R.M. 4.0.
Sign Locations |
Sampling |
Avery Park
The Avery Park Pump Station is located inside the City’s fenced compound at Avery Park behind the crew quarters. A loss of power may cause an overflow in Marys River.
Sign Locations |
Sampling |
Incident Fact Sheet
The purpose of the fact sheet is to provide City Staff with the information necessary to field calls from the public about the incident. Fact sheets will be updated daily each morning by the Wastewater Operations Supervisor or designee to provide the most accurate and current information available. The following will receive an updated fact sheet each morning:
- Wastewater Duty Operator
- Public Works Administration
- Wastewater Operations Supervisor
- Technical Services Supervisor
- Utilities Division Manager
- Public Works Director
Fact sheets should include the following information about the discharge:
- A discharge of wastewater has occurred
- The point of discharge and stream affected
- Cause of the discharge
- Status of the discharge (stopped, mitigated, on-going)
- Actions taken (public health protection, discharge response actions)
- Discharge may present a risk to public health
- Anticipated duration of the public warning
- Signs will be removed when concern has ended
Press Release
A press release will be transmitted via facsimile to the following organizations:
- OSU Barometer
- Corvallis Gazette-Times
- Albany Democrat Herald
- KFLY, KEJO, KFAT, KLOO - Corvallis
- KSHO - Lebanon
- KRKT - Albany
- Corvallis Police Department Dispatch
- Benton County Sheriff & Public Information Office
- Benton County Public Works
- Emergency Operations Center
- 509J Schools District Office
Signs will be placed according to the following schematic:

Release Location | Sign Placement |
Wastewater Reclamation Plant |
Marys River Pump Station |
Brooklane Pump Station |
Avery Park |