Utilities in the Public Right-of-Way

All utilities using the Public Rights-of-Way (PROW) must apply for permission to occupy the PROW.  Utilities with valid franchise agreements, licenses or permits do not need to reapply. Separate PROW use agreements may be necessary for utilities providing more than one service type.  The application fee is $100.00.

Corvallis City Ordinance 2018-24, Utility Service Operators and Providers in the Public Right-of-Way

Public Right-of-Way for Utility Use Application

Upon approval, a utility will be offered an Agreement for use of the PROW, based on the type of use. Typically, a Service Operator will be offered a Master License. A Service Provider may operate under a License or Franchise, at the discretion of the City.

Utility Service Operators that install site specific equipment must obtain a site license. Site Licenses can only be applied for under a Master License.  A Site License Application, along with other required information, must be submitted for each site. For small wireless antenna sites, please review the City’s Design Standard for wireless Service Operators and the Small Cell Application Information Sheet prior to submission. 

Site License Application 

A Service Operator with a Master License may request an optional site pre-application review, which may be helpful for any sites that require a variance to the City’s Design Standard. 

Please contact the Franchise Utility/ROW Specialist with questions regarding utility agreements in the Public Rights-of-Way.


Non-Utility Right-of-Way Permits