Development Review

Development Review Mission

The following organizational mission statement was developed for City departments engaged in development regulations compliance. 

We will facilitate development processes consistent with the community's vision by: 
* administering standards in a balanced, consistent, efficient, professional and timely manner. 
* exchanging information openly, honestly, and respectfully. 

The mission was created with input from staff in Community Development, Fire, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works. Discussion areas included both internal and external customers, stakeholders, values, results, purposes, and business interests. The resulting statement provides an overarching guiding philosophy for how the City administers development review programs.

Public Improvements by Private Contracts (PIPC) 

The Development Review workgroup coordinates the installation of new public infrastructure such as streets, sewers and water lines associated with private land development. This process begins in the planning phase of land use actions such as annexations and subdivisions. Development proposals are reviewed for compliance with criteria specified in documents such as the City's Comprehensive Plan, Transportation and Utility Master Plans, and Land Development Code. This review ensures that adequate public infrastructure is extended to meet current and future demands. 

Detailed infrastructure design plans prepared by private engineers are then reviewed for compliance with City Standard Construction Specifications and applicable land use decision conditions. This plan review process ensures that infrastructure is designed to meet City standards for performance and maintenance. Projects are followed through construction to ensure that infrastructure built by private contractors meets the specified design standards. 

PIPC Permit Manual 

The PIPC Permit Procedure Manual provides a general description of permitting procedures and requirements for Public Improvement by Private Contract (PIPC) projects. The Manual is available in PDF format through the link below or at left. 

NOTICE: As of January 2024, Benton County changed the font requirement for recording documents. If submitting a PIPC document for recording, ensure that the form you are using says “REVISION Jan 2024” at the bottom. If it does not, Benton County may charge you an additional $20 non-standard fee.

View the PIPC Permit Procedure Manual

PIPC Plan Submittal

PIPC plans can be submitted electronically at