Urban Stormwater Quality Management and Discharge Control Ordinance

The City of Corvallis recently passed a new ordinance to enhance community livability by helping protect water quality through stormwater pollution prevention. The implementation of the Urban Stormwater Quality Management and Discharge Control Ordinance is one of the requirements that the City of Corvallis must meet in order to comply with state and federal clean water protection regulations. 

Because most stormwater runoff in Corvallis flows directly to streams without treatment, what we do in our yards, streets, and public spaces affects the water quality of our urban streams and the Willamette River. In 2007, the City was issued a National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System permit from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, which requires us to meet state and federal Clean Water Act regulations. In addition to implementing an Urban Stormwater Quality Management and Discharge Control Ordinance, the City is also currently addressing water quality issues and regulations through pollution prevention public education and involvement programs, construction activity monitoring, adherence to land development codes that protect waterways from damages that can occur from urban development, and more. 

For a summary of frequently asked questions about the ordinance, click here

Click here to review the ordinance

Also available for review is the City's NPDES permit