Public Works Internal Services Division

The Internal Services Division provides the following Administrative, Facility & Fleet services:

  • Inform, educate and respond to the public about department services through a variety of mechanisms, including in person, via phone and on the Web, to enhance transparency and understanding. 
  • Provide oversight and financial and administrative assistance to the department to result in a consistent, high-quality work product and compliance with internal policies. 
  • Conduct preventive and corrective maintenance to ensure City buildings remain safe and operational, and to protect the community’s investment in this infrastructure. 
  • Repair and replace rolling and fixed equipment to support front-line operations in the delivery of City services. 
  • Manage department asset management databases and systems to provide staff the information needed to efficiently perform and track work activities. 
  • Coordinate City-wide sustainability efforts to continue the organization’s progress toward more sustainable practices. 
  • Manage and enforce franchise agreements with solid waste, electrical, natural gas, cable television and telecommunications companies to protect and preserve the public rights of way.
Kris Kelly Kris Kelly Internal Services Division Manager 541-766-6916