Public Works Services
Just like in any business, success for Public Works Department service areas comes as a result of planning. Below you will find descriptions of the work the Public Works Department performs in ten topic areas. They explain our basic "business product."
Business plans are regularly reviewed and updated to aid in budget planning for the next fiscal year. City staff involved in the particular "business" activity meet to discuss what challenges have been met, any changes in the ones still to be addressed, and any new ones facing the "business." Costs associated with these issues are incorporated into a financial plan. Together the business plan and the financial plan help position the "business" to meet the needs of a growing community within the constraints of restricted revenue sources.
Current budget information for the Public Works Department is included in the annual City budget, which is available online.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Public Works at 541-766-6916.

The City manages operations at the Corvallis Municipal Airport, providing a local space for air transport services and for an industrial park.

Most municipal buildings are maintained by Public Works to provide a safe and productive work environment for staff and citizens.

Garage facilities ensure a well-maintained, efficient fleet will be ready and able to provide the wide variety of services the City offers–from building inspections to street sweeping, transit to dump trucks.

Public Works offers a number of services supported by general funds, such as franchise utility management, engineering support to City departments, and street lighting.

The parking meter system, public parking lots, and parking stalls are maintained for efficient movement of customers.

Storm Water
Efficient removal of rain water is the primary focus of the storm water maintenance staff, with a complementary focus on enhancing stream bank habitat for wildlife.

Making sure that all modes of transportation--motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians--can move around the city safely and efficiently is the focus of street maintenance activities.

The City is committed to reducing traffic congestion and dependence on the automobile, in part through operation and management of the Corvallis Transit Service.

Wastewater is not the most glamorous subject, but a lot of work goes into ensuring that the wastewater the City returns to the Willamette River has the least impact on that aquatic environment.

Water is one of life’s essentials and our goal is to provide an uninterrupted supply of the highest quality drinking water to Corvallis homes and businesses.