Proposed FY 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Plan Available for Review

The City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a planning level document and an important communication tool for the community.  The CIP identifies infrastructure projects planned to be initiated over the next five fiscal years.  The CIP is developed using various technical resources and requirements, and balances competing priorities within financial constraints to efficiently address the growing number of infrastructure deficiencies across the City.  The CIP also informs the City’s budget process since projects identified in the first two years will be incorporated into the BN 2025-27 (biennial) budget.

Although heavily influenced by technical analysis and best management practices for the industry, providing opportunities for public review of the CIP remains a high priority.  The proposed CIP is currently available for public review and will be considered by City Council at their March 20, 2025, meeting. 

For those wishing to provide testimony at this meeting, speakers will be limited to three minutes unless otherwise granted by the Mayor. Written testimony is highly encouraged. The deadline to register for oral testimony and to submit written comments is 12:00 pm the day of the meeting and can be done online (, via email (, via mail (ATTN: City Recorder, P.O. Box 1083, Corvallis, OR 97339-1083), or by phone (541-766-6901 ext. 3). Written comments submitted by March 11, 2025, will be published in the work session packet, and written comments submitted after that date, but before the March 20, 2025, noon deadline, will be published as an attachment to the work session minutes.

Click here to download a copy of the Proposed FY 2026-30 CIP. 

This document is available in hardcopy for review at the Library, City Hall, and Public Works Administration Building.


The documents linked below informed the proposed scope of improvements incorporated into several of the transportation projects identified in the first two years of the CIP, which will ultimately be incorporated into the City’s proposed biennial budget.

Road Safety Audit -- Alexander, Conifer, Highland, Grant, and Walnut

Road Safety Audit – Garfield

Intersection Control Evaluation -- Kings & Garfield

Intersection Control Evaluation -- 9th & Buchanan

City Responses to Roadway Safety Audit Findings and Intersection Control Evaluation Recommendations