Tyler Avenue Neighborhood Bikeway Open House

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Hello Active Transportation Newsletter Recipients,

Join the City of Corvallis Active Transportation and Toole Design staff for an open discussion on the design of the Tyler Avenue Neighborhood Bikeway on Tuesday, June 11th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Downtown Fire Station (400 NW Harrison Blvd). Neighborhood Bikeways aim to prioritize people and provide low-stress routes for people traveling by foot or wheel, while still accommodating motor vehicle traffic and on-street parking. Learn more about Neighborhood Bikeways at the link below.

There will be no set presentation for the event — come and go as you please. We hope to see you there!

Can’t make it to the in-person event? Participate in the online Open House, starting June 12th, at: www.corvallisoregon.gov/nb