Wastewater Master Plan Update

In 2022, the City of Corvallis embarked on an update to its Wastewater Master Plan. The current Wastewater Master Plan was completed in 1998. Updating the plan based on the current condition of the wastewater system, new regulatory requirements, and new treatment technologies will ensure the City understands the system’s investment needs in the future. Wastewater Master Plans are required by the state to address future needs of the wastewater system, which must follow all State and federal wastewater standards. Such plans typically look a minimum of 20 years in the future to anticipate needs and challenges.
Our Wastewater System
The City's wastewater system includes a wastewater treatment plant that treats raw sewage that is accumulated in the City’s wastewater Collection system. The plant treats about 4.5 billions gallons annually. The Collection system also includes over 220 miles of mainline pipe, as well as seven sewer lift stations. The entire system has a value of more than $750 million, representing a significant infrastructure investment for the Corvallis community. The Wastewater Master Plan will create a framework to ensure the health and stability of the system for future generations.
Wastewater Master Plan Update
The Wastewater Master Plan update is a multi-year effort involving data analysis, public outreach, and strategic planning. Most of the process is guided by regulatory requirements from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, but the City also intends to evaluate several other areas of operation, including disaster resiliency, treatment options at the plant, and alternatives to meet new and anticipated regulatory requirements.
Public Involvement
The Corvallis community is invited to follow the process and learn more about our wastewater resources. To receive periodic emails about public involvement opportunities, as well as the overall progress of the Wastewater Master Plan, visit the e-Notifications page and subscribe to the "Wastewater Plan Update" category (under the "News" section toward the bottom of the page).
For More Information
This page will be updated as the Wastewater Master Plan update moves forward. In the meantime, click any of the links below to learn more about the Corvallis wastewater utility system. Documents and resources related to the plan can be found in the "Supporting Documents" section below.