Schedule Revision for Water Line Resiliency Project

Marys River construction site

The City of Corvallis is postponing a major capital improvement project that would reroute and replace a water line that crosses the Marys River at 4th Street. The water line, which currently runs above ground along the 4th Street bridge, was to be rerouted under the Marys River by constructing an open trench across the riverbed. Work began in August, but heavy fall rains created challenges to maintaining a dry work area, so the project will be postponed until July of 2020. Contractors have prepared the work site for winter by adding erosion control materials.

The 4th Street water line replacement is one of two capital projects intended to improve seismic resiliency of the Corvallis drinking water piping system. A similar project is underway at the 15th Street bridge near Pioneer Park, but this one is using a technique known as horizontal directional drilling. The 15th Street water line project is well underway, with expected completion in January 2020.

Both water pipes carry water from the Taylor Water Treatment Plant, located in south Corvallis along the Willamette River, to customers in north and northwest Corvallis. By moving the pipes from above ground, alongside the bridges, to underground, they will be much less susceptible to movement during an earthquake.

For more information on the project, contact Michael Tasman at 541-766-6731 or email