Water SDC Methodology

The Water SDC fee is comprised of both a reimbursement fee and improvement fee. The value of extra capacity in existing water infrastructure is apportioned to projected growth, expressed in terms of plumbing fixture units, to determine the Water SDC Reimbursement Fee.  Similarly, the value of extra capacity in planned water infrastructure is apportioned to projected growth in the same manner, to determine the Water SDC Improvement Fee.  Except for nonresidential development served by larger water meters, the total Water SDC charge is calculated using the sum of the two fees. 

The formula for calculating Water SDC fees for nonresidential development served by water meters larger than 4” can be found on page 21 of the Water SDC Methodology.

Click on the link below to review the Water SDC Methodology as well as a list of capital improvement projects eligible to receive funding from Water SDC fee revenue.

Water SDC Methodology

Water SDC Capital Project List