Summer Resurfacing and Safety Improvements on Kings Boulevard and 9th Street

Foreman standing in front of an asphalt smoother.

The City of Corvallis has begun its annual summer construction season, with street resurfacing and safety improvements in the works for Kings Boulevard and 9th Street. Please use caution when traveling through these two areas.

Work is already underway along Kings Boulevard from Monroe Avenue north to Grant Avenue. Plans call for grinding and resurfacing the street and reconstructing 29 sidewalk ramps. The work will also include installation of a high-visibility thermoplastic green bike lane at Kings Boulevard and Van Buren Avenue. Work on Kings Boulevard will proceed in three phases from June through August, with detours and other traffic controls set up to assist motorists during construction.

On 9th Street, work will involve resurfacing the street from Grant Avenue north to Circle Boulevard, as well as significant safety improvements in the area around Spruce Avenue. Public Works has called for an improved pedestrian crossing, with a new concrete island in the middle of 9th Street just north of Spruce Avenue. As part of this work, Spruce will be reconfigured to allow a right turn only onto southbound 9th Street. Work is expected to begin in August and conclude on 9th Street and Spruce in late September.

For your safety and the safety of the workers, please obey all traffic control devices and flagging operations during construction. We appreciate your patience as we try to make the most of the relatively short summer construction season in Corvallis.