City Preparing for Snow and Ice
January 31, 2025 - Public Works street maintenance crews have been busy with winter weather preparations in the event that snow or ice arrives in the coming days. Vehicles and equipment have been prepared in advance to insure a rapid response to changing winter conditions.
During a snow or ice event, the City will maintain streets on a prioritized basis, with the top priority being to keep streets open that provide access to the hospital, fire stations, police stations and other critical facilities. These routes include:
- Samaritan Drive Emergency Room access
- Fire Station accesses (5th Street, Circle Boulevard, 35th Street, Tunison Avenue)
- All Corvallis Transit System routes
- Select streets within the Central Business District (2nd Street, Jackson, Tyler, Polk, and Adams Avenues)
- Corvallis Public Works access (Waterworks Drive)
Snow maintenance activities will not be expanded to other streets until the condition of these top priority routes are stabilized.
The City will not perform snow maintenance activities on some streets including private streets, steep streets (greater than 15% slope), alleys, and roadways under the jurisdiction of the Oregon Department of Transportation or Benton County.
Warming Centers Available
Warming Centers are indoor sites that are free for members of the public to access during designated hours, which can be especially valuable to community members during extreme temperatures or weather advisories. The Benton County Health Department maintains a list of warming centers in Corvallis and Benton County.
Community Preparedness
Corvallis community members can take a few common-sense precautions to prepare for adverse winter weather.
The City does not guarantee that streets will be free of snow and ice after plowing or sanding. Ultimately, it is each community member’s responsibility to insure that they can travel to and from their homes if necessary during winter events. Bare, dry pavement should not be expected. Here are a few more preparedness tips:
- Carry traction control devices. Drivers should ensure their vehicles have appropriate traction control devices for the existing conditions and for the type of vehicle being used. Traction control devices should be installed prior to driving during snow/ice events.
- Drive only when necessary and plan for delays. More vehicles cause more congestion, delays, and unnecessary accidents.
- Be patient and courteous to other drivers. Slow down when traveling in hazardous conditions. Most accidents occur because the driver is going too fast for the weather conditions.
- Consider using public transportation. Corvallis Transit System (CTS) and Philomath Connection (PC) buses operate during inclement weather and can maneuver through snow and ice more easily than most lightweight personal vehicles. Be aware that buses will likely experience delays and may operate on modified routes, depending on specific road conditions. Get real-time bus arrival information for CTS routes at: The CTS and PC websites will have current information on route detours, stop closures, and potential suspension of services. You may also call transit dispatch at 541-766-6998 for scheduling and route information.
- Keep up with the latest news on the City’s website. Learn about our priority routes for plowing and sanding. Become familiar with them prior to a snow/ice event. Check the City website frequently to ensure you know which streets are open.
For seniors and persons with disabilities, Benton County Dial-A-Bus follows the Corvallis School District protocol in snow and ice conditions. When schools close due to inclement weather, routine Dial-A-Bus service is also suspended. If safe passage is possible, rides will be provided based on their essential nature (for example, scheduled dialysis appointments at Samaritan Medical Center).
Public Notification
Depending on the severity and length of the event, the City of Corvallis will communicate updates on snow and ice control activities in the city, as they unfold through one or more of the following sources:
- City web site:
- Corvallis Police Alert - sign up online for text alerts
- Nextdoor
- Local media reports