Circle Boulevard Resurfacing Project Nearing Completion

Steam roller laying down asphalt on a city street

September 28, 2020 - The Circle Boulevard resurfacing project is nearing completion, with just a few last steps before the new road is ready for use in mid-October. Paving is expected to be completed the week of September 28th, with final striping to be placed the following week, weather permitting.

A key feature of the project is a new lane striping configuration along Circle between Highland Drive and Dogwood Drive. The configuration – known popularly as a “road diet” – reduces the current number of vehicle lanes from four to three (one lane in each direction plus a continuous center turn lane) and provides buffered bike lanes. The end result is a more attractive and safer travel corridor for all users.

City officials are encouraging all road users (motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians) to take their time and proceed carefully as they become accustomed to the new lane configuration.

“We are excited to unveil this road diet pilot project for the Corvallis community,” said City Engineer Greg Gescher. “During this transition period, we hope the public will be patient and courteous as we all adjust to the new lane configuration.”

The City’s Public Works Department will gather data on a variety of traffic metrics and safety measures to evaluate the effectiveness of the road diet. For more information on the road diet pilot project, visit the City’s website at