What are PFAS and Phthalates?

What are PFAS?

PFAS stands for per- andpolyfluoroalkyl substances. They are a group of human-made chemicals that have been widely used in industrial and consumer products since the 1930s. PFAS are used to make products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease and water. This makes them useful in products like non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, and food packaging. They are known as forever chemicals because they do not break down easily in the environment or the human body. PFAS listed under the Primary Drinking Water standards were not detected in Corvallis drinking water. 

What are Phthalates?  

Phthalates are human-made chemicals that are a health and environmental concern. Phthalates make plastics more flexible. They can be found in products like vinyl flooring, shower curtains, kids’ toys, and some personal-care products like soaps and hair sprays. The full impact of phthalates on humans is not yet clear, but they may negatively impact humans’ reproductive health. Phthalates listed under the Primary Drinking Water standards were not detected in Corvallis drinking water. 

Why should you care?

PFAS may be linked to a variety of health conditions including lower infant birth weights, pregnancy complications, and certain types of cancers. Researchers are still studying how PFAS impact human health. We can’t undo previous exposure to PFAS, but we can try to reduce our exposure to it in the future by taking small steps at home.

What is Corvallis doing?

PFAS chemicals are so widely used, they seep into our air, soil, and our water systems. The good news is that PFAS have only been found in a few small public drinking systems in Oregon, and never in Corvallis. Though these chemicals may not originate in waterways (or in water or wastewater treatment facilities) many Oregon clean water utilities, including Corvallis, are taking action to protect public health by: Testing for PFAS in wastewater and wastewater biosolids; tracking current research on PFAS; working with policy makers to reduce PFAS in consumer products; and informing customers about the latest PFAS news. PFAS and phthalates have not been detected in Corvallis drinking water. 

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what are forever chemicals
¿Qué son las <<sustancias químicas eternas>>?
what are phthalates
¿Por qué son un problema las PFAS?
why be concerned
Las PFAS en su hogar.
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Usted puede reducir su exposición a las PFAS!
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