Resource Policies

This page contains information about the Resource Policies from the Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan (CFSP), which is currently undergoing revision by the Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan Update Task ForceThe current policies and the Task Force’s recommended revisions are shown below.  When Task Force review is complete, the proposed Policy revisions will be considered by the City Council.

  Previous Resource Policies (2013) Updated Resource Policies, with associated Standards & Guidelines (2023/2024)
Forest Age & Structure Manage the Corvallis Forest to protect older forest stands and old forest legacies within younger stands, while providing a variety of different ages and types of forest and habitat conditions. Forest Age & Structure (Rev. 2024)
Reserve Areas Maintain Reserve Areas on the Corvallis Forest to protect streams and water quality, wildlife and other areas of unique habitat or ecological values. Reserve & Special Status Areas (Rev. 2024)
Terrestrial & Aquatic Habitat

Maintain and restore high quality aquatic and riparian habitat.

Protect unique habitats on the Corvallis Forest, and, where possible, to diversify wildlife habitats, promote connectivity between habitats, and increase biological diversity on the ownership

Terrestrial & Aquatic Habitat (Rev. 2025)
Water Quality & Quantity Protect and where possible enhance the quality of water and the health of the aquatic environment within its ownership. Corvallis seeks to minimize the adverse effects of necessary water withdrawals on stream health. Water Quality & Quantity (Rev. 2025)
Native Vegetation & Invasive Species Promote native plant communities and actively monitor, control, and reduce invasive plant populations. Native Vegetation & Invasive Species (Rev. 2025)
Roads Reduce road impacts on water quality within the Corvallis Forest, and to minimize new road construction. Roads (Rev. 2024)
Forest Chemicals Minimize the use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizer in the Corvallis Forest. Forest Chemicals (Rev. 2024)
Public Access Prohibit general access to the Corvallis Forest, but implement access controls to allow educational, research, special permitted usage. Public Access (Rev. 2024)
Neighbors & Allied Organizations Cooperate with neighboring landowners and aligned organizations to ensure quality water for the citizens of Corvallis, protect wildlife and stream habitats, and to achieve joint objectives and projects. Neighbors & Allied Organizations (Rev. 2024)
Fire Protect the Corvallis Forest from wildfire and to manage forest stands to reduce fire risk. Fire (Rev. 2024)
Planning Implement the Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan, monitor management to minimize adverse impacts and meet Plan goals and objectives, and to ensure transparency of management by effectively communicating activity goals and objectives with Corvallis citizens and leaders. Updates coming soon.
Monitoring Implement the Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan, monitor management to minimize adverse impacts and meet Plan goals and objectives, and to ensure transparency of management by effectively communicating activity goals and objectives with Corvallis citizens and leaders. Updates coming soon
Public Participation and Outreach Implement the Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan, monitor management to minimize adverse impacts and meet Plan goals and objectives, and to ensure transparency of management by effectively communicating activity goals and objectives with Corvallis citizens and leaders. Updates coming soon.
Climate Policy and Related Management Updates coming soon. Updates coming soon.
Revenue Updates coming soon. Revenue (Rev. 2025)