2024 Get There Car Free Challenge

Running for a single week from September 16 – 22, Oregon’s Get There Car Free Challenge is a timely reason to reduce drive alone car trips by taking transit, walking, biking, ridesharing, using micromobility options, and/or working remotely for the chance to win prizes.
Whether it’s for work or school, running errands, going to appointments, or having fun, any type of trip that replaces a drive alone trip counts.
Anyone, age 18 or older, who lives and/or works in Oregon can join the Get There Car Free Challenge by visiting GetThereOregon.org/Challenge.
Prizes include:
- $30-40 gift cards to Cirello’s Pizza, Corvallis Cyclery, Darkside Cinema, Majestic Theater and Winco
- $100 Clever Cycles gift card with a branded water bottle
- $25 Café Yumm gift card and candy from Jacobsen Salt Co.
- $100 Give and Get Local gift cards to a local business of your choice
- $100 gift cards to a grocery store of your choice
Here’s how to join:
- Create an account for free in Get There Connect or log in here.
- Take the pledge to drive less during the week of Sept. 16–22.
- Log at least 2 trips in Get There Connect to win prizes. Receive an additional entry for every trip you log after 2 (up to 12)!
For more information on your transportation options, contact the City of Corvallis Active Transportation Program at 541-766-6916 or by emailing ActiveTransportation@corvallisoregon.gov.