Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

Calendar Date:
Saturday, October 26, 2019 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Prescription Drug Takeback Flyer

The public is invited to dispose of old, unused, unwanted, or expired medications at a prescription drug take-back event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. October 26 at Republic Services, 110 NE Walnut Blvd.

Safely disposing of prescription drugs at events such as these are a better alternative to flushing them down the toilet. The collection event will gather most prescription and over-the-counter medications, with no questions asked. Participants are advised to remove medications from their packaging to save space and to mark out names or any other identifiable information on labels.

Items that CANNOT be dropped off include:

  • No needles, sharps, injectables, Epi-Pens or intravenous solutions.
  • No medical waste or chemotherapy medications.
  • No illegal drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.
  • Be sure to mark out your name or any other identifiable information.

This event is open to individuals only, not businesses.

The event is part of the Drug Enforcement Administration's "National Take Back Initiative," which offers community members a way to dispose of unused, unwanted, and/or expired medications with no questions asked. The DEA's goal is to prevent diversion of drugs for illicit purposes and to prevent accidental and intentional poisonings. Most abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends.