Coffee with a Cop
Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and community members together – over coffee – to discuss issues and learn more about each other. The goal of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and community they serve by building relationships – "one cup at a time.”
Coffee with a Cop in Corvallis
The Corvallis Police Department has been hosting Coffee with a Cop events since late 2015. CPD places high value on community outreach and transparency. This program is one way to achieve both goals, while getting to know our community members and answering any questions they have.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming event dates and locations are posted on CPD's Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as the City's events calendar. These events are also a great opportunity to partner with local businesses. If you are interested in hosting an event, please email the CPD Community Livability Unit. The next Coffee with a Cop event will be Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at the downtown Starbucks, located at 425 SW Madison Ave from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
An Opportunity to Connect with the Community
Community policing has long been considered a framework for establishing trust between the community and the police. However, over time the character and composition of our nation’s communities have changed due to shifting demographics, more commuters, and the introduction of different communication methods such as websites and social media.
Coffee with a Cop was launched in Hawthorne, California in 2011, as a result of a brainstorming session in which members of the Hawthorne Police Department were looking for ways to interact more successfully with the citizens they served each day. They hit upon a simple plan to break through the barriers that have been built over the years – a cup of coffee.
Over the last few years, Coffee with a Cop events have been hosted in all 50 states and is one of the most successful community-oriented policing programs across the country. The program has also expanded to outside the Unites States to Canada, Europe, Australia, and Africa. The key to Coffee with a Cop’s growing success is that it opens the door for interactions outside of the crisis situations that typically bring law enforcement officers and community members together.
Benjamin Harvey | Media Contact | 541-766-6556 | |