Police Service Dogs
In 1997 the Corvallis Police Department implemented the Police Service Dog Program to assist with calls for service.
Our K-9 Teams are specifically trained and used for:
• Tracking subjects which include suspects of criminal activity,
• Trailing subjects/suspects,
• Wind scenting subjects/suspects,
• Conducting building searches where it is believed a suspect of a crime may be located,
• Locating and recovering evidence,
• Protection of officers or other persons from aggressive or dangerous persons,
• Searching for lost or missing persons.
The teams train weekly with different K9 groups from around the state, and are required to annually pass the minimum State Certification Standards Test administered by the Oregon Police Canine Association.

Officer Nathan Diebel and K-9 Nexus make up the service dog team. Nexus is a German Shepherd, born in Denmark in early 2020. Officer Diebel joined the Department in July of 2019 and selected to be a K-9 Handler in late 2021. He and K-9 Nexus completed the Basic K9 Handler course in March 2022.

Officer Caleb Wistock and K-9 Mazikeen make up our newest service dog team. Mazikeen is and 18 month old Dutch Shepherd and a native Oregonian. Officer Wistock joined the Department in September of 2015 and was selected to be a K-9 Handler in late 2022. He and K-9 Mazikeen completed the Basic K9 Handler course in February 2023.