Corvallis Police 101

2025 session begins Wednesday, April 2

Apply by March 21 - Paper applications are available at the Law Enforcement Building, 180 NW 5th St, Corvallis

Classes are every Wednesday, 6 to 9 p.m., April 2 to June 12.

Learn about your police department

Join us! Corvallis Police 101 is like an extended open house, and our door is open for you. It is the best way to get to know your police officers, and to learn about all facets of your police department, the services it provides, and how it delivers those services.

Class members historically represent a cross section of our community: teens to seniors, Corvallis newcomers to lifelong residents, people just curious about what their police do to people considering careers in law enforcement, and proponents of police to people with oppositional views. In short, participants come from the full range of demographics that make up our community. We welcome and encourage you to attend.

Why Should I Enroll?

You will see firsthand how the Corvallis Police operates. You will come to understand how police are governed by laws, community values, policies, accreditation standards and by the way courts adjudicate cases.

Corvallis Police 101 informs you about police training, authority, practices, and services. It builds effective community-police partnerships that increase community involvement, especially crime prevention, community safety, and police policy decisions. Corvallis Police 101 is also an excellent forum for you to make direct input on police-related issues important to you.

Community Policing

Corvallis Police operates by the philosophy of community policing. This means we encourage Corvallis residents to take an active role in crime prevention, and building community relationships. The Corvallis Police 101 program is one of the services the Corvallis Police Department offers based on this philosophy. We believe a community involved with the police department and with crime prevention is a community where crime does not flourish.

Program Objectives

Classes give each person:

  • An understanding of the community policing philosophy, how it relates to the way the Department functions, and how it relates to the services that Corvallis Police provide.
  • General knowledge of the criminal justice system and the role your Department has in it.
  • Knowledge of crime prevention initiatives and how to be active in community policing.
  • An opportunity to have questions answered about Corvallis police policies and practices.
  • An opportunity to ask about law enforcement careers and employment with Corvallis Police.
  • An opportunity to raise concerns and discuss community issues.

What's Included?

Corvallis Police 101 is the place to get your questions answered. You will learn the Department does much more than enforce laws. Please join your Corvallis Police for the next session to learn more.

Corvallis Police 101 shares information on:

  • Department organization, operations &  standards
  • Benton County Jail
  • Community-policing
  • Crime in Corvallis
  • Police authority
  • Criminal justice system
  • Traffic law & car stops
  • CPD's Motor Unit
  • CPD's K-9 Unit
  • CPD's Street Crimes Unit & illegal drugs
  • CPD’s Investigations Unit & major crimes
  • Patrol procedures
  • DUII enforcement
  • Crime analysis
  • Case studies
  • Force response
  • Crime prevention & personal safety
  • Confrontational simulation
  • Police equipment
  • Emergency vehicle operation
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • An open forum with Department Leadership

In addition to learning about these topics, you have the opportunity to ride with an officer on patrol, drive a patrol vehicle on a closed track, and use the firearm simulator. Most people find these experiences eye-opening and rank them among the program highlights.

Participation and Commitment

Corvallis Police 101 convenes each spring. You have no obligation other than attending class. Corvallis Police 101 is a ten-week program that provides 30 hours of instruction, discussion, participation, and fun. Classes meet Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00.

Participation is free and you have no commitment of any kind after graduation.

Participant Qualifications

Corvallis Police 101 strives to include the broadest range of diversity within our community. We invite applications from people of all genders, ages, ethnic, cultural, and civic groups.

As part of the application process, you must authorize the Corvallis Police Department to conduct a criminal history check. Felony convictions or other circumstances that would make participation in this program inappropriate may be cause for denial of admission.

You must be at least 16 years old before the first class. If you are under 18 years old, a consent form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian, and you must be accompanied during the first class by that parent or legal guardian. That parent or legal guardian must also submit an application and pass the criminal history check. Please note  that even with parental permission, some activities may be unavailable to participants under 18 years of age. 

Because of City of Corvallis liability limitations and Departmental policies, if you are under 18, you may not drive police vehicles, or go on the tour of the Benton County Jail. You may watch the driving course. To drive a City of Corvallis police vehicle during the driving course, you must have a valid driver license.

College Credit

You can enroll with Linn-Benton Community College to earn one hour of transferable college credit. Enrollment requires your registration and payment of the current tuition fee to LBCC. Credit is issued on a pass/no-pass basis through LBCC's Department of Criminal Justice. You must attend a minimum of eight sessions to receive credit.

All fee, enrollment, credit, and transcript matters are under the control of Linn-Benton Community College, not the Corvallis Police Department; however, you can pick up a registration form and a prepaid mail-in envelope during the first Corvallis Police 101 class rather than going to the campus.


When the next session is announced, you can complete an application by clicking this link.

Paper applications are available at the Law Enforcement Building, 180 NW 5th St, Corvallis


Contact Corvallis Police 101 staff at

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Consim Training