Corvallis Updates Parking Laws

Over the course of the last year, Corvallis Police Department staff have been working with other City departments in response to an outpouring of community concerns regarding abandoned and illegally parked vehicles within the Corvallis city limits. The reported issues highlighted a notable impact on livability within the city, to include safety and environmental concerns. While working to address those issues, CPD employees noted the administrative process for removing abandoned and disabled vehicles from City streets was prolonged, in comparison to other entities within the state. To put it simply, it was taking no less than ten days to complete the local process, which other entities were completing in two to three days.

In order to better serve Corvallis community members, police department staff reviewed CPD’s policies and procedures to investigate the underlying cause of the long process. They also partnered with the City Attorney’s Office to conduct an extensive review of the relevant Corvallis Municipal Code (CMC), Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), and pertinent case law, as well as municipal codes from other municipalities. During the review it was discovered that some of the current Municipal Code was last revised in 1981 and referenced Oregon Revised Statutes that no longer exist. In addition, some of the language in the existing municipal code was difficult to interpret and required more clarity before CPD could make meaningful changes to their policies and procedures related to removing abandoned and disabled vehicles from City streets.

With the assistance of the City Attorney’s Office, CPD staff presented their findings to the Corvallis City Council during a work session on January 19, 2023. The following week, at the February 6, 2023, council meeting, the City Council voted to adopt updated ordinances relating to abandoned vehicles, parking violations, and towing of vehicles, amending Municipal Code Section 6.07 “Disposition of Personal Property; Abandoned Vehicles;” Section 6.10.040 “Parking”; and Section 6.14 “Towing of Vehicles.” After a second reading of the ordinances at the February 21, 2023, Corvallis City Council meeting, the council adopted the proposed changes, which officially took effect on March 10, 2023.


The Corvallis Police Department has since updated its abandoned and disabled vehicle tow process and policies to align with the updated CMC and ORS. For the past few weeks, the parking enforcement unit has been conducting education efforts regarding the new ordinances while gradually shortening pre-tow notice windows, in preparation for a full roll-out of the new process. CPD staff anticipate improved efficiency and effectiveness in mitigating the safety and environmental impacts caused by abandoned and disabled vehicles. Our hope is that these changes will allow us to better serve the people of Corvallis in that mission.

So what does this all mean if I park my vehicle on a street in Corvallis?

All vehicles suspected to be abandoned or disabled, found to be parked in violation of Corvallis Municipal Code, will have a notice affixed to them and the opportunity to comply within 24 hours or will be subject to tow at the owner’s expense, except for certain exceptions allowing for immediate tow (i.e. hazardous, No VIN/Plate, clearly disabled).

The changes will not have an impact on anyone using the streets of Corvallis in a lawfully prescribed manner. The clearest and most consistent indicator that a vehicle is abandoned or disabled is the amount of time it is left, unmoved. Please note, CMC does not permit vehicles to be parked within the same block (either side of the road) for longer than 48 hours. Make sure you regularly check on your vehicle and do not leave it stored on a public street for extended periods of time. Disabled vehicles may not be parked or stored on City streets and may be removed without notice. It is also unlawful to park a trailer in a residential zone within City limits, aside from some exceptions.

For Corvallis parking laws in their entirety, refer to CMC 6.10.040 at: