Free Classes

tai chi class
Enjoy these FREE classes!
Activity Description Ages Date Time Location

C3 Writers Workshop

Registration Required

Share your writing and receive feedback from fellow participants. All forms welcome: poetry, short story, memoir, fiction, article, letter, etc. Publication advice available upon request. 18+

Jan 3–Mar 21 F

April 4–June 27 F

July 11–Aug 29 F

10am–12pm Corvallis Community Center

Young Adult Game Night

Supported by Benton County Health Department.

Play games and make new friends! Join our gaming group for young adults in a fun, casual setting.  18+ Starts April 11 Every 2nd Friday 6–8pm Corvallis Community Center

Young Adults Outdoors

Get outside and explore the trails around Corvallis on our guided hikes for young adults. Transportation is provided from the Corvallis Community Center for those who pre-register, or you can meet at the trailhead.


April 26 Sa

May 24 Sa

June 28 Sa

July 26 Sa

Aug 23 Sa

9am–12pm Various Locations, bus leaves from Corvallis Community Center

Spanish Conversation Circle


A great chance to practice conversational Spanish while having fun with activities like literature, art, physical activity, gastronomy, and more surprises! 14+ Every Thursday 5:30–6:30pm Corvallis Community Center

Fit & Strong

Registration Required

Funded with a grant from OCWCOG

This class uses flexibility, light strength training, aerobic walking and fitness/health education to promote health and fitness. Endorsed by the CDC and the NCOA and ideal for new exercisers. 18+

March 31–May 23 M W F

July 7–Aug 29 M W F

3–4:30pm Corvallis Community Center

Walk with Ease

Registration Required

Funded with a grant from OCWCOG

Designed by the Arthritis Foundation, aims to improve cardio, flexibility, and strength, helping you work towards walking 30 minutes without lasting pain. We start slow and ask that you can stand for at least 10 minutes before joining. Progress is at your own pace and based on your goals. 18+ April 7–June 9 M W


Corvallis Community Center

June 24-Aug 26 Tu Th


Active Living Every Day

Grant Funded by National Recreation and Parks Association

Learn tips to help you live a healthier life! 18+ April 9–June 25 W 1–2pm Corvallis Community Center

Fitness and Nutrition for Diabetes

Focus on fitness and nutrition tips to improve blood sugars, diabetic neuropathy fall and balance assessments, and foot inspections to prevent pressure ulcers and amputations. 18+

April 12 Sa

May 17 Sa

10:30-11:30am Corvallis Community Center


For more free activities check out the Ongoing Free Programs as well as upcoming Events


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