Services at the Center

support group circle

Ongoing services & support at C3 are sponsored by Home Instead.

We offer a variety of services and support at the Corvallis Community Center

Ongoing Services

Program Days Times Description Location

Blood Pressure Clinic

Every 2nd Thursday 9–10am Free! Monthly blood pressure check provided by a nurse from the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties. No appointment necessary. Corvallis Community Center

Tech Aid

Daily by Appointment C3 Open Hours Free! Tech Aid volunteers help with a variety of needs such as setting up email or social media accounts, getting started with a new phone, tablet, or computer, solving tech problems, and more! Help is available in person at C3 or over the phone. Call our Front Desk (541-766-6959) to make an appointment. Corvallis Community Center

Foot Care

Every Tuesday and some Thursdays 8:30am–3pm $33 in city | $40 out of city - Keeping your feet healthy is important at any age. Trained RN’s provide basic nail trimming and foot care every week. Diabetics welcome. Call (541) 766-6959 for an appointment. Corvallis Community Center

Legal Aid

2nd Mondays 2:30- 5:30pm Free! Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) is here to help elderly and low income clients. Call and set up time to meet with a lawyer. LASO can provide legal help related to Family, Government Benefits, Housing, Seniors and other Civil Matters. Call 541-766-6959 to schedule a free 30 minute in-person, virtual or phone appointment. Appointments must be made at least one week prior. Online or Phone

AARP Foundation Tax Aide 

Feb-April by Appointment Various Help for Seniors and people wit low income on their taxes. Appointments open Mid-January. Call 541-250-0268 for information and to make an appointment. -

Assistive Listening Equipment

By request - To allow people with hearing impairment to participate in our programs and activities, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. Call (541) 766-6959 to request this service. -

Eyeglass Donation Drop Box

Daily - Share the gift of sight with people who otherwise would not be able to afford eyeglasses. Unwanted eyeglasses may be dropped off at the Center. The Corvallis Lions Club picks up the used glasses for cataloging and distribution to people in need all over the world. Corvallis Community Center

Entertainment Lending Library 

Daily - Free! The Center has a variety of books, DVDs, and puzzles available to borrow. Corvallis Community Center

Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)

By appointment - Free! The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program is a statewide network of trained volunteers who educate and advocate for people of all ages who have Medicare. SHIBA volunteers currently provide one on one appointments and is sponsored by the OCWCOG and part of its AmeriCorps Seniors programs. Call 541-812-0849 to make an appointment. -

Pickleball Equipment Rental

Upon Request - $5 for 90-day Membership - Grab a paddle and a ball and enjoy our local Pickleball courts. With a 90-day membership, you can rent equipment from the Corvallis Community Center for two hours at a time. Corvallis Community Center

Computer Access Program – CAP


8am–6:30pm $5 - Become a member of the C3 CAP! The $5 fee is for a 90-day membership and allows free use of a laptop on site. Two hour limit per use. Membership agreement and more guidance available on-site. Corvallis Community Center





Ongoing Support & Social Groups

Program Days Times Description Location

Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group

Every 2nd Tuesday 1:30–3pm Free! For caregivers and family members of persons with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disorder. Share information, education and support with those who walk, or have walked in your shoes. Contact group facilitator, Gene Dannen, at or 541-753-1342 for more information Corvallis Community Center

Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

Every 2nd Tuesday 11am–12:30pm Free! Get information and support to those who have Parkinson’s disease, those providing care, and those seeking more information. Offered both In-person and virtually. Corvallis Community Center

Corvallis Stroke and Brain Injury Support Group

Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday 1–2:15pm Free! All people living with the effects of damage to the brain are welcome to attend. Survivors, significant others and caregivers are welcome. For more information please contact Robert Thornberg, Corvallis Community Center

Adapative Recreation Coffee Hour

Ages 14+

Every 3rd Wednesday 3:30–4:30pm Free! Join us for an hour of coffee once a month! Chat with other people experiencing disabilities, make new friends, and have fun! Corvallis Community Center

Aging Reimagined

Every Tuesday 2:30–4pm Free! Explores our hopes and fears as we encounter the complexity of growing older. Loneliness, invisibility, and feeling free to figure out what comes next. Come join this free, drop-in support group. Corvallis Community Center

Rainbow Social Hour

Every 2nd and 4th Friday 3–5pm Free! Join this social space for LGBTQ+ identifying people! Corvallis Community Center

Senior Social Club

Every Wednesday 1–3pm Engage with older adults in the community through social gatherings and a variety of activities such as guest speakers, videos, outings, group projects, and local event updates. Corvallis Community Center


Another free Parks & Recreation service is the FREE Life Jacket loaner program out of Osborn Aquatic Center.