
Volunteer at C3!
The Corvallis Community Center's role in the community would not be possible without the generous donations of time, energy and skills of our volunteers. We invite you to join our volunteer team! We offer training, staff support and a lot of laughter and camaraderie. There is a position to fit almost any availability or skill level. To view our current opportunities and submit an application, follow the link below!
C3 Volunteer Opportunities
- Activity Host/Facilitator: Be a host/facilitator for a drop-in activity or group at the Center. You will serve as a warm and friendly host - greeting folks, having them sign in as needed, and welcoming them. Sometimes you may sanitize tables before or after, set out or put away equipment, and help tidy up. Depending on the activity, you can join in the fun or sit back and watch, your choice. Drop-in activities currently include Artist's Workshop, Ping Pong, Bridge, and Open Game Play. Check with staff to see where we could use a regular hand. This is an ongoing volunteer opportunity. Schedule varies according to which activity you're facilitating. Skills: Friendly demeanor, enjoys socializing, and great customer service skills.
- Special Events Team Member: Special Events occur periodically throughout the year and have a variety of needs. C3 Events may include artist receptions, concerts, social dances, Park in the Dark, GameCon and more. As part of the special event team, you will get the chance to put your unique skills to work. We need folks that can do a variety of duties, examples include: setting up chairs & canopies, organizing people, serving drinks, hanging lights, procuring donations, guarding exits, and much more. No matter what your skills, events team has a place for you to serve the community without a regular, ongoing time commitment. Short shifts available or become an event team lead and work more than one event throughout the year! Some roles may require background check, food handlers’ and/or OLCC license.
- Community Outreach Team: Community outreach volunteers assist with outreach via tabling at events and/or flyer distribution around town. Volunteers can help run information tables at Parks & Recreation events, as well as other events like Farmer's Markets and Street Fairs. You'll connect with the public and help promote the volunteer program, C3 activities and classes, and share information on what C3 has to offer the community. Volunteers can also help promote special events and activities by distributing flyers to local businesses via our 'Street Team'. Routes are planned and can be walked, cycled or driven according to preference. This volunteer opportunity offers flexible scheduling, and training for tabling shifts is provided.
- Volunteer Instructors: Do you have skills or knowledge to share with our community members? Teach a class in art, fitness, language, technology, crafts and more – the possibilities are endless. Background check required, some roles require prior experience/certification.
- Trips & Tours Leaders: Come explore culture with C3! Volunteer trip leaders are responsible for leading groups to scheduled events and locations all around the valley – enjoy football games, museums, live performances and more. Trips are scheduled and planned by staff in advance. Perfect for someone that enjoys organizing people and discovering new things. Ability and interest in driving a provided van a bonus! Background check (and a DMV check if driving) is required.
Questions about volunteering? Call 541.766.6959 for more information.