About Our Urban Forest

Big leaf maple street trees

Tree Data and the Benefits of Trees  
There are approximately 15,000 trees in the Corvallis tree database. This includes all street trees counted in the 2009 inventory as well as several of the city’s parks and all trees that have been planted or inventoried since that time. Maintaining the city inventory is an ongoing project and the database is updated daily as old trees are removed and new trees are planted. Based on our 2009 inventory the trees in Corvallis provide a net financial benefit to the city of Corvallis.

Economic Benefits of Corvallis' Street Trees
Benefits Value
1,337,116 lbs of CO2 Sequestered &  498,687 lbs of CO2 avoided $5,643
6,127,321 gallons of storm water intercepted $170,278
330,306 kilowatt hours saved & 11,186 Therms saved $29,731
9,919 lbs of Air pollutants intercepted $12,483
Benefits to Adjacent Property Value $741,347
Total Value of Services $959,482


As you can see trees not only provide environmental benefits but also increase property values from 3-15% (City Trees and Property Values,Wolf;2007), provide shade in which to recreate and beautify our streets. They also protect our urban streams by reducing run-off from major rain events and providing shade to moderate water temperature for wildlife.

Our urban forest is currently valued at more than $26,872,286.93. This number is based on our inventory data and the current valuation standards of the International Society of Arboriculture & the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers.  

The department is striving for diversity in our urban forest and we currently have over 300 unique species of trees in the inventory from 90 genera. Diversity is important to reduce the impact of diseases and pests which specialize on a particular genus or group of trees such as the Emerald ash borer and Bronze Birch Borer.


Top 10 Genera of Corvallis Trees

 Genus # of trees % of total Common Name 
 Acer  4,172  30.90  Maple
 Fraxinus  1,645  12.18  Ash


 1,019 7.55  Cherry
 Liquidambar  871


 Pyrus  692  5.13  Pear
 Quercus  523  3.87  Oak
 Malus  316  2.34  Apple
 Platanus  316  2.34  Sycamore
 Gleditsia  255  1.89  Locust
 Tilia  226 1.67   Linden

As you can see Maples make up over 30% of our urban street trees. As such we are reducing the number of Maples planted in the right of way.