Crystal Lake Sports Fields

sign at crystal lake park

Location: On the southeast part of town, at the end of Fischer Lane.  The address is 100 SE Fischer Lane.

Size: 125 acres 

The Crystal Lake Sports Fields is an impressive complex that features 8-10 soccer fields and 9 baseball fields. The fields are surrounded by a beautiful natural buffer of trees and shrubbery, known as the Kendall Natural Area. A multi-modal path separates the fields and joins the area to Willamette Park at one end and the Willamette Boat Landing at the other end. This is a seasonally designated dogs off-leash area; check the kiosk for specific details. 

The fields may be reserved from April to October (weather and field conditions permitting). Unlike all other Corvallis sports fields, the Crystal Lake Sports Fields are NOT available on a first-come, first-served basis; all play must be confirmed via a permit or contract. Review the Sports Rental page for details and current rental fees.