Ten Tiny Dances

Calendar Date:
Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 7:00pm

Ten Tiny Dances - Broadway

May 25, 3 pm & 7 pm

Ticket link: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=233349
The Ten Tiny Dances Broadway theme presents edgy new work by local choreographers as they face the challenge of creating dance for a stage that is 4 feet x 4 feet x 1.5 feet high.

Originally created in Portland, Oregon, in 2002, by Mike Barber, Ten Tiny Dances continues to be produced by Mr. Barber, and others, with permission.  You’ll see ballet, modern dance, contact improv, tap, Chinese, and Indian classical dance, each compressed to its essence. In the lobby, you will be treated to a companion Tiny Art Show, coordinated by AliceAnn Eberman.