Parks and Recreation Operational Advisory Committee

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 - 4:30pm

Parks & Recreation Operational Advisory Committee members will engage on a variety of Parks & Recreation topics, from Parks and Trails to Recreation Programming and diversity and equity (among many more). Advisory groups are an important component of the City’s engagement with our diverse community. For many people, it is their first opportunity to get involved with local government.

4:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 7, 2025

Avery Admin Office
1310 SW Avery Park Dr
, Corvallis, Oregon

Virtual Meeting Link:

How Can I Provide Comments?

In addition to any specific public engagement opportunities that may occur, a standard public comment period will be a part of each meeting agenda. Community members wishing to provide general comments may submit them in writing or provide remarks orally in-person or virtually.

1. Submit your written comments: Written comments can be submitted at any time. For written

comments to be included with the agenda packet, they must be submitted 7 business days prior to the

meeting. Written comments submitted after this, but by noon the day of the meeting, will still be transmitted

to staff for the meeting and included in the meeting minutes. Community members may submit comments by emailing them to the staff liaison at Staff will include written comments received after noon on the day of the meeting in the next meeting packet.

2. Providing comments orally: The City will plan for public comment at each meeting, total time subject to agenda availability. Community members are asked to sign up for public comment ahead of time by emailing the staff liaison at Oral comments may be provided virtually or in-person as described below:

a. Virtually via live webinar: You can register to view the meeting by visiting the Parks & Recreation Operational Advisory Committee Meeting Page and clicking on the registration

link. Community members interested in providing virtual public comment should sign up by

emailing the staff liaison at, by noon the day of the scheduled


b. In-person: Community members can also provide in-person comments at the meeting. People

interested in providing in-person community input should sign up by emailing the staff liaison at, by noon the day of the scheduled meeting.


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