Owens Farm Natural Area

owens farm house next to large oak tree


North Corvallis, off of Hwy 99W between the intersections of Elks Drive & Elliot Circle


Over 131  acres 

Owens Farm Natural Area contains over 131 acres and was acquired by the City, in partnership with Greenbelt Land Trust & Samaritan Health Services Corporation, in 2002. Owen’s Farm is managed as a natural area for protecting historical resources and restoration of the native ecosystems present. These include oak savannah habitat along with riparian sections and wetlands – as Owens Farm contains portions of the Jackson and Frazier Creek flood plains. 

The farmhouse, barn and schoolhouse at Owen’s Farm are assessed as having special historical & archaeological values for the community as they date to the 1850s time period – when the human complexion of this region was significantly different from what it is now.

Public access is limited to viewing from the gravel parking lot.