Alan B. Berg Natural Area

East of the Willamette River, next to the Hwy 34 bypass. The address is 33900 Roche Lane, off Hwy 20/34.
81 acres
Alan B. Berg Natural Area is undeveloped parkland that was transferred to the City after the 1991 completion of the Hwy 34 bypass. It features riparian, wetland and wet prairie habitats that flood regularly during large rain events.
Sections of the park are under service agreement with local farmers for crop production and vegetation management. The park does not have a formal parking area. Since the park runs along the heavily trafficked Hwy 34 and the Hwy 34 bypass, please use caution when in the area. Foot access to the area is via the lighted Hwy 34 intersection to the east of the Van Buren Street bridge.