Adult Health & Fitness

three women hiking in a sunny forest

Stay active with walking, running, biking and martial arts!

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Biking, Running, and Walking
Meet at the Trail Hikes
Martial Arts

Biking, Running, and Walking

Activity Ages Date Time Location

Women’s Mountain Bike Clinic

$135 ($170 Outside City)
Instructor: Coyle Outside

16+ April 26 & 27 Sa Su 9am–2pm Chepenafa Springs Park & various other locations

Intermediate Trail Running

$90 ($113 Outside City)
Instructor: Anna Ramthun, Mac Dunn Run Club

15+ April 12–May 31 Sa 9–11:30am Various Trailheads, Trail Syllabus Provided

Active Living Every Day

Grant Funded by National Recreation and Parks Association
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Luo

18+ April 9–June 25 W 1–2pm Corvallis Community Center

Fit & Strong

Registration Required / Funded with a grant from OCWCOG
Instructor: Sabina Monn


March 31–May 23 M W F

July 7–Aug 29 M W F

3–4:30pm Corvallis Community Center

Fitness and Nutrition for Diabetes

Registration Required
Instructor: Dr. Patrick Luo


April 12 Sa

May 17 Sa

10:30-11:30am Corvallis Community Center

Walking Well with Poles

$48 ($58 Outside City)
Instructor: Marg Bartosek

18+ May 21, 23, & 28 M W F
(Rain Make-up Day May 30)
1:30–3 pm Walnut Community Room

Active Strides

$15 ($22 Outside City)
Included with Rec Fit/Wellness Membership
Instructor: Sally Robertson & Nell Kolodziej

15+ April 10–June 12 Th 9–10 am Various Locations around Corvallis

Walk With Ease

Registration Required / Funded with a grant from OCWCOG
Instructor: Becca Meskimen

18+ April 7–June 9 M W 12:30–1:30pm Corvallis Community Center
June 24-Aug 26 Tu Th 10:30–11:30am

Meet at the Trail Hikes

Trailhead Age Date Time Details

Finley Wildlife Refugee

$7 ($9 Outside City)

14+ April 11 F 10am–12pm About 2 miles, easy to moderate hike

McDowell Creek County Park

$7 ($9 Outside City)

14+ May 9 F 10am–12pm

1.8 miles, easy hike but there are stairs to climb

Carpooling recommended

Peavy Section 36 Trail

$7 ($9 Outside City)

14+ June 13 F 10am–12pm 4.8 miles, moderately challenging

Beazell Forest Plunkett Creek Loop

$7 ($9 Outside City)

14+ July 11 F 10am–12pm

2.7 miles, moderate

Carpooling recommended

Mary’s Peak Meadow Edge Trail

$7 ($9 Outside City)

14+ Aug 8 F 10am–12pm

2.2 miles, moderate

This trailhead requires a $5 day use fee or a valid parking pass. This cost is not included in your registration.

Martial Arts

Activity Age Dates Times Location

Fencing I

$275 ($344 Outside City)
Instructor: Joseph Whaley

12+ May 12–July 30 M W
No class May 26, June 2–11, June 30 and July 2
5:45–7:15pm Garfield Elementary School

Fencing II

$275 ($344 Outside City)
Instructor: Joseph Whaley


Feb 24–Apr 30 M W

5:45–7:15pm Garfield Elementary School

Open Fencing

$93 ($116 Outside City)
Instructor: Joseph Whaley


Feb 24–Apr 30 M W

May 12–July 30 M W
No class May 26, June 2–11, June 30 and July 2

5:45–7:15pm Garfield Elementary School

Kenpo Karate

$100 ($125 Outside City)
Instructor: Lou Donadio

Classes are held Mondays through Thursdays. YOUR CLASS FEE COVERS TWO nights each week. You choose the nights. 


April 7–May 15

May 19–June 26

June 30–Aug 7

Aug 11–Sept 18

6:45–7:45pm M W

6:40–7:35pm T Th

Aurora Martial Arts Studio,
195 SE Crystal Lake Dr

Ki-Aikido—More Than a Martial Art

$40 ($50 Outside City)
Instructor: Bill Peterson and Kok Meng Lam


April 7–30 M W

June 23–July 16 M W



Oregon Ki Society Corvallis Dojo,
535 NW 4th St.

Shao-Lin Kempo/Kung Fu

$95 ($119 Outside City)
Uniform and test fee not included with class fee
Instructor: Daniel Lowery


April 1–May 15 Tu Th

Aug 12–Sept 18 Tu Th

7–8pm Corvallis Martial Arts,
1815 NW Circle Blvd.

Women’s Self Defense Clinic

$50 ($63 Outside City)
Instructor: Lou Donadio

14+ June 7 Sa 10:30am–1pm Aurora Martial Arts Studio,
195 SE Crystal Lake Dr.

Tai Chi Saturdays

$20 ($25 Outside City)
Instructor: Todd Bilby


April 5–June 28 Sa

July 5–Aug 30 Sa

8:30–10:15am Corvallis Community Center

Tai Chi Practice Group

$20 ($25 Outside City)

14+ April 1–June 12 Tu Th 9–9:50am Corvallis Community Center