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Chapter 2: Powers

Section 3.  Powers of the City.  The City shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, including those rights, powers, privileges, and immunities which a City can exercise upon specifically accepting them or upon being granted the power to exercise them by the people of the City or the legislature of the State, as fully as though this Charter expressly stated each of those rights, powers, privileges, and immunities a

Chapter 1: Names and Boundaries

            Section 1.  Title of Enactment.  This enactment may be referred to as the Corvallis Charter of 2021, an amendment of the 2017 Charter.

[As amended by special election November 2, 2021]

            Section 2.  Name of City.  The City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, shall continue to be a municipal corporation, with the name "City of Corvallis."

Advisory Question - Publicly Funded Universal Health Care for Oregon (Measure 2-95)

At their February 16, 2016 meeting, the City Council approved directly placing on the November 8, 2016 ballot an advisory question concerning publicly funded universal health care for Oregon.  The Advisory Question passed according to results provided on Benton County Elections website.  More information about the Advisory Question is provided below.

The City Attorney worked with Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates to draft a ballot title for Council's review, and at their July 5, 2016 meeting, the Council approved the following Ballot Title.

Lawndale Annexation (Measure 2-99)

On July 18, 2016, the City Council approved forwarding the Lawndale Annexation to the voters for the November 2016 ballot.  According to results provided by Benton County Elections, the annexation passed.  More information is provided below.

The following ballot title was approved by the City Council at its August 1, 2016 meeting:


2-99 Proposed Annexation of the Lawndale site 

Shall the 2.41-acre Lawndale Annexation site be annexed? 

Local marijuana Tax (Measure 2-96)

On July 18, 2016, the Corvallis City Council passed Ordinance 2016-12 concerning marijuana taxation and Resolution 2016-26 approving a referral to the voters, for the November 8, 2016 election, a tax on the sale of marijuana items by a marijuana retailer within the city.   According to results provided by Benton County Elections, the measure passed.  More information is provided below.

Corvallis Transit System

NOTICE:  In an effort to maximize efficiency and on-time performance, there will be route and/or schedule changes for most CTS routes, beginning Monday, September 23.  For details, click here.



Economic Development Office

Economic Development in Corvallis

In 2012, the City developed and adopted an economic development strategy that established the Economic Development Office (EDO). The EDO’s mission is to help businesses innovate, grow, and thrive in the Mid-Willamette Valley. Our service area includes all of Benton County including Corvallis, Philomath, Monroe, and Adair Village.

For more information, please see the Economic Development Strategic Work Plan 2024.
