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Commissions consist of appointed members who have some delegated decision-making responsibility, usually from the City Council. In addition, these Commissions provide policy advice to the City Council.

Operational Advisory Committees

Operational Advisory Committees are ongoing bodies that advise staff on operational matters. Operational Advisory Committees focus primarily on operational areas, but sometimes they may be asked to look at a policy topic by the City Council. Operational needs may be further assisted by operational work groups, which are short-term advisory bodies that advise staff on specific operational matters and then disband.

In general, the structure and operations of committees and work groups are more flexible and customized to the needs of the topic or issue.

Policy Advisory Boards and Task Forces

Policy Advisory Boards are ongoing advisory bodies that provide advice to the City Council on specific policy areas. In general, Policy Advisory Boards provide strategic, high-level advice on specific policy questions that are before the Council. In addition, they may be a topic that is more operational in nature to help assist City staff. The City Council may also create Task Forces for specific policy purposes. Task Forces serve for the period required to complete the tasks identified by the City Council.

2024 Get There Car Free Challenge

Running for a single week from September 16 – 22, Oregon’s Get There Car Free Challenge is a timely reason to reduce drive alone car trips by taking transit, walking, biking, ridesharing, using micromobility options, and/or working remotely for the chance to win prizes.

Drug Take-Back Locations

Oregon now has a program to collect unused, unwanted medications

Active Transportation

Corvallis is a compact, well-planned city with an extensive network of bike lanes, shared use paths and sidewalks to connect you to your destination by walking, riding or rolling. We support alternative forms of transportation and sustainable infrastructure that has resulted in a city transportation choice where 11% of Corvallis residents commute by bicycle and 12% commute by walking to their destination.

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Water Conservation

Water outdoors only in the late evening or very early morning. These are the hours when the least water will be lost to evaporation.
