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Water Utility

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The City of Corvallis water system consists of critical infrastructure to treat and deliver water to your tap. Some is visible, but much of it is underground. 

Water Testing

The Corvallis Water System consistently provides a reliable supply of high quality drinking water. Corvallis regularly and routinely monitors water quality at the treatment plant and in the distribution system. Many of the tests are performed in the City's water quality laboratory; other tests are performed by certified private lab companies.

Smart Irrigation

Water wisely; don't waste it.

Water Efficient Plant Guide

Thinking about changes you might make to your landscape?

Maybe you want to add native plants to your landscape. Maybe you just want to add some color or texture to an existing landscape with some new plants. Maybe you are planning an entirely new landscape. New plants require additional irrigation until they are established. Hopefully, you are considering how much water your new landscape will need once it is established.

Water Conservation FAQ

This page has a collection of water and water conservation Frequently Asked Questions. Click on the questions below to expand them and see the answers! 

Toilet Rebates

Looking to replace an older or broken toilet? Need an incentive? Replace old toilets with WaterSense toilets (https://www.epa.gov/watersense/residential-toilets) and qualify for a rebate!


Water Supply Emergency Curtailment Plan

This plan is designed to guide water management staff in the event of a water shortage. 

System Capacity and Historical Water Shortages 

Water Audits

As long as you are not wasting water, it is up to you to decide how much to use. Using less water can save you money in the short term by potentially lowering your utility bill (and energy bill if you use less hot water). Using less water may save you money in the long run as well since increases in water demand are what necessitates expensive water treatment plant upgrades.


Indoor Water Conservation

Corvallis's average indoor water use is about 66 gallons per person per day. Where does all this water go?


A Golden Landscape

If a lawn can suffer no reduced quality if it gets only 80% of the water it wants, then what happens if it gets even less? Not much, really. Many turf grasses will enter a dormant cycle when challenged by water stress. The grass turns a golden color and takes a nap until the fall rain returns. As a bonus, the lawn doesn’t grow much, so the mower can also stay in the garage. Consider letting your lawn go dormant this summer, by only watering monthly during peak drought stress (June, July, August, September).
