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Street Sweeping

For most city streets, sweeping takes place once per month from April through August. Sweeping continues at twice per month for the rest of the year, including during the Fall Leaf Collection Program in November and December. To find out when your street will be swept, identify the sweeping district you live in on the sweeping districts map and then check the schedule below for your district.

Capital Improvement Program

Every year the City of Corvallis publishes an update to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is a 5-year planning document identifying capital project expenditures anticipated throughout the community.


The Transportation Division helps provide orderly movement of goods and services and protects public health and safety through a number of diverse services including streets, street lights, sidewalks, bikeways, municipal airport and industrial park, public transit, and neighborhood traffic calming. The Division manages programs and services to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and provides transportation demand management services. Many services are performed through public agency and private partnerships.

Parade Permits

A permit from Public Works Department is required to conduct a procession, parade, race, or special event on any street and/or sidewalk under the jurisdiction of the City of Corvallis. Applications shall be made in writing. Click here for the application form.

Corvallis Forest

The Corvallis Forest is located approximately 16 miles west of Corvallis off Highway 34 on Marys Peak. The Corvallis Forest consists of 2352 acres that is part of the  larger 10,000 acres of the Rock Creek Watershed. The bulk of the acreage not managed by the City is managed by the United States Forest Service (USFS) as part of the Siuslaw National Forest. The City began purchasing properties in the Watershed in the early 1900's and has been using it as a source of drinking water supply since that time.

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Vegetation Obstructions

Vegetation Blocking the Street or Sidewalk

Our sidewalks and streets are used by community members with varying abilities -- children on bicycles, senior citizens, persons in wheelchairs, joggers, and families out for a stroll. Trees and shrubs need to be properly trimmed to ensure the enjoyment and safety of those who use our community’s sidewalks and streets.

Walk Your Walk: If you see a problem, take action!

Development Review

Development Review Mission

The following organizational mission statement was developed for City departments engaged in development regulations compliance. 

We will facilitate development processes consistent with the community's vision by: 
* administering standards in a balanced, consistent, efficient, professional and timely manner. 
* exchanging information openly, honestly, and respectfully. 

Sandbag Locations

These locations will be monitored and restocked by City crews as needed throughout the winter and early spring months. Please bring your own shovel.

  • Willamette Park--Next to community gardens 
  • Cheldelin Middle School--987 NE Conifer Blvd., west parking lot.
  • Grant Avenue Baptist Church--1625 NW Grant Ave., in back parking lot off of 17th St.
  • Corvallis 509J School District Office--1555 SW 35th St., west parking lot located behind bus shelter on 35th St.


Engineering work in Corvallis is part of the Engineering and Transportation Division, which provides technical support and guidance to the organization, department and community on infrastructure services.
