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Street Repairs

Annual Crack Seal Program: Crack seal is a hot-pour, petroleum-based pavement crack and joint sealant which is used in conjunction with slurry seal to prevent premature failures and aging. Crack sealing is usually done during the summer months, weather permitting. 

Snow & Ice FAQs

Snow & Ice

The winter season has officially started and the City Public Works Department is prepared to provide the safest possible roadway system and access routes for emergency response vehicles, transit and motorists

Slurry Seal Program

The Slurry Seal Program allows the City to preserve existing paved streets by applying a thin layer of asphalt. Slurry seal is a petroleum-based emulsion product mixed with fine aggregate rock. It slows down the aging process caused by ultraviolet rays, vehicle traffic wear, effects of temperature changes, or the loss and/or stripping of the asphalt. Slurry also significantly reduces vehicle road noise.


The City provides facilities for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists around the community. To do this, Public Works fabricates and maintains the proper street name, speed limit, traffic control and directional signs and pavement markings to insure community safety. Standards and guidelines are set and regulated by the Oregon Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and local municipal codes. 

Street Maintenance

The City provides facilities for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists around the community. To do this, Public Works provides the following services:

Crack Seal Program

During the Annual Crack Seal Program, a hot-pour, petroleum-based pavement crack and joint sealant is used to fill cracks in City streets. The sealant contains a minimum of 18% recycled tire rubber and forms a long lasting, resilient seal in cracks and joints which is flexible and expandable in varying and extreme pavement temperatures. The sealant will prevent the invasion of surface water between the layers of asphalt and sub-grade rock, thus preventing premature failures, deterioration and potholes.

ETC Program Assistance

How does the City support area Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs)? 
The City’s Transportation Program Specialist and Cascades West Rideshare staff are available to help area ETCs in gaining an understanding of the available TO programs and assist the ETC in their efforts to implement a program within their organization or business.

ETC Meetings –The City coordinates quarterly lunch time ETC meetings to:

Traffic Control for Construction Zones

Traffic control in construction zones within rights-of-way in the state of Oregon shall conform to the requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation's Short Term Traffic Control Handbook (latest edition). In addition, all construction zone traffic control within the City of Corvallis shall conform to the following requirements:

City Of Corvallis Engineering Policy on Traffic Control for Construction Zones
