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City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  The agenda will be posted here when it becomes available.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room. 

More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  The agenda will be posted here when it becomes available.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  The agenda will be posted here when it becomes available.  More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The Committee will meet in the Cascade Meeting Room.  

3-1-19 CLC Agenda

3-1-19 CLC Packet

More information about the Committee is available here.

City Legislative Committee

The meeting agenda will be posted here when it becomes available.

City of Corvallis Increasing Enforcement to Reduce Waterway Pollution

Corvallis Public Works is increasing enforcement of City's ordinances relating to pollution discharge. Per regulations laid out in the Corvallis Municipal Code, City staff will be increasing inspection of streams and issuing more violation notices. In addition, staff will increase outreach to the local businesses and the general public, advising them to call the city when spills are observed.
