Aquatic Exercise Classes

Exercise class at osborn


See details and register for your class online


Check out our NEW Hydro-Yoga class!

FREE drop-in Hydro-Yoga classes at 6:30pm Tues/Thurs on September 17, 19, 24, and 26, October 1, and 3, and at 12:00pm Tues/Thurs on September 24 and 26.
Separate registration for Hydro-Yoga classes here

Exercise Schedule from September 3–15

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:00am Deep Water Workout - Deep Water Workout - Deep Water Workout
8:00am Shallow Water Workout
"Warm" Water Workout
Channel Challenge
Shallow Water Workout
Channel Challenge
Shallow Water Workout
"Warm" Water Workout
Channel Challenge
Shallow Water Workout
Channel Challenge
Shallow Water Workout
"Warm" Water Workout
Channel Challenge
9:00am Low Impact
Channel Challenge
Low Impact
Channel Challenge
Low Impact
Channel Challenge
Low Impact
Channel Challenge
Low Impact
Channel Challenge
11:15am "Warm" Water Workout - "Warm" Water Workout - "Warm" Water Workout
12:00pm Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel
4:00pm - - - Aquatic Movement -
6:00pm Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel Leisure Pool Channel -



Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Aquatic Exercise Schedule

Starting September 16

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Deep Water Workout Water Pilates/ Yoga Deep Water Workout Water Pilates/ Yoga Deep Water Workout


Shallow Water Workout

Warm Water Workout

Shallow Water Workout

Ai Chi

Shallow Water Workout

Warm Water Workout

Shallow Water Workout

Ai Chi

Shallow Water Workout

Warm Water Workout


Steady Strides Therapeutic Exercise Steady Strides Therapeutic Exercise Steady Strides


Warm Water Workout -

Warm Water Workout

- -


Warm Water Workout - Warm Water Workout -

Warm Water Workout


High Noon Challenge

Hydro-Yoga High Noon Challenge Hydro-Yoga High Noon Challenge


- - -

Aquatic Movement









Hydro-cise - Hydro-cise




- Hydro-Yoga  - Hydro-Yoga -



Class Details

50 Meter Pool (80 - 85°F) Classes
Class Intensity Description
Aquatic Movement Low - Moderately Low Motivational fitness and fun for individuals with special needs. Held in shallow water. Personal assistants admitted at no cost.
Shallow Water Workout Moderate - Moderately High Low impact, joint safe, water-supported exercise for developing cardio fitness, flexibility, balance & strength. Personal assistants admitted at no cost.
Deep Water Workout Moderately High No impact, cardio, strength, core, and balance work. Participants should be comfortable in deep water. Flotation belts provided.
Steady Strides (Low Impact) Moderately Low Slow steady pace, No impact, cardio, strength, core, and balance work.
High Noon Challenge High Fast paced workout includes cardio, strength, core and balance.
Hydro-cise High A fun, high-energy, low impact class set to music. Join the dance party in the pool. Classes held in both shallow and deep water. Class will move to outdoor pool in the summer
Small Therapy Pool (90⁰ - 92⁰) Classes
Class Intensity Description
Therapeutic Exercise Low Increase endurance, balance, strength, range of motion, and circulation for post-stroke, Parkinson’s, Osteoporosis, ALS, etc. Personal assistants admitted at no cost.
Water Pilates/Yoga Moderate Focus on core strength, body balance, and proper breathing
Warm Water Workout Moderately Low - Moderate Relieve the pain and stiffness. Helps balance, range of motion, and flexibility. Personal assistants admitted at no cost.
Ai Chi Moderate Practice muscle control and mental discipline.
New! Hydro-Yoga Moderate Experience serene balance with water yoga. Challenge your balance, cultivate strength, and flexibility as you maintain posture on a floating mat.
Outdoor Channel Classes (Available in Summer)
Class Intensity Description
Channel Challenge High High-energy exercise to improve cardio, strength, core, and flexibility utilizing the current of the outdoor water channel.