Osborn Aquatic Center Roof Assessment & Updates
In September 2024, routine maintenance on light fixtures at Osborn Aquatic Center revealed rust and corrosion on the steel beams that support the roof over the natatorium (which is the part of the building that houses the indoor pool, restrooms, and staff work areas).
The City of Corvallis closed the Aquatic Center on October 2, pending further technical evaluation. Since then, staff in many different City departments have been working hard to coordinate with inspectors and engineers on a plan to assess the problems at Osborn — and to assist pool patrons who were faced with the unexpected closure of a popular recreation facility.
The latest updates are posted below. Jump to the Frequently Asked Questions section to learn more about the technical assessment and repairs.
The Corvallis School District, which owns the Aquatic Center, is also providing regular updates as they work through the assessment process in partnership with the City of Corvallis.
Community Updates
We are committed to keeping the community informed about the pool closure and a timeline for reopening. The latest information will be posted to this page.
March 25, 2025 Update
We're continuing to expand outdoor service offerings at the pool. This week, we added morning lap swim hours. We'll also be open for outdoor recreation swim from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26 and Friday, March 28 during spring break. By the end of March, we're anticipating adding in a schedule of daily outdoor exercise classes - watch this space for more info. Looking ahead, we're building a more robust schedule of spring and summer programming that we can provide the community.
Expanded programming relies on hiring staff — lifeguards, cashiers, instructors, and other key roles. You can help by sharing our recruitment portal with friends and neighbors who might be interested in working at the Aquatic Center. The recruitment portal is available online at https://www.corvallisoregon.gov/hr/page/job-opportunities
March 12, 2025 Update
The phased reopening of the outdoor pool continued this week with swim team practice and lap swimming. Looking ahead to spring break week, we are planning to offer open recreation hours at the Aquatic Center from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26 and Friday, March 28. Beyond that, we are making plans to offer morning lap swim and exercise classes later this month. More info to come!
March 6, 2025 Update
Lap swim and swim team practice resumed this week! It was wonderful to see our pool patrons return to the facility. Aquatic center staff is continuing to prepare for expanded outdoor programs as we head into the spring and summer. We are hopeful that we'll be able to offer offer limited swimming lessons and exercise classes soon. Be sure to visit the Osborn web page on the City website to stay informed.
Looking ahead, the City of Corvallis is partnering with Corvallis School District to open a dialogue with the community about Osborn Aquatic Center and the roof repairs that have been identified. We are tentatively scheduling a community meeting about Osborn on April 23, 2025 - please save the date! Additional information about the meeting will be shared soon.
February 24, 2025 Update
Here's an update we've been excited to share with you for quite a while - the outdoor pool at Osborn Aquatic Center will re-open for swim team practice and lap swimming on March 3! More programs will follow as we phase in additional operations. Thank you for your patience as we resume operations at the Aquatic Center.
February 19, 2025 Update
Staff have been in contact with several key pool user groups, including area swim teams, to learn more about how they can best make use of the outdoor pool on a limited basis as soon as possible. We are excited to welcome back user groups back in coming weeks on a trial basis -- some details remain to be worked out, but we are confident that we can safely operate the Aquatic Center and provide outdoor pool recreation. Fixtures, plumbing, and mechanical infrastructure is being tested and exercised.
February 12, 2025 Update
Staff continued to develop plans for a phased reopening of the outdoor pool in alignment with guidance from the Community Development Department. A small number of Parks & Recreation staff returned to the Aquatic Center this week and began preparations for reopening. This work involved inspecting infrastructure that had been idled for several months, including plumbing and heaters, and also organizing work areas for the expected return of even more staff.
In addition, building inspectors from the Community Development Department revised the public signage that had been installed on the doors and windows of the Aquatic Center to acknowledge that some portions of the building are safe for occupancy, and some areas are still considered hazardous.
February 5, 2025 Update
The City Council heard an update on the Osborn Aquatic Center roof at its regular meeting on Monday, February 3. The discussion starts at the 4:04 mark in this meeting video. Here is a direct link to that section of the meeting: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/1053460142#chapter=16850237
Staff are communicating daily about the parameters of reopening a portion of the Aquatic Center. As of this week, we have received approval from the structural engineers to resume using certain indoor areas and outdoor pools of the Aquatic Center on a temporary basis. We have been moving quickly to recall furloughed staff and build programming that can fit into the modified hours and space that we have available. Staff are navigating other aspects of resuming operations at the pool, including planning for safe outdoor operations in the winter months and ensuring that facility equipment is in proper working order. We're excited to resume operations and welcome people back to the Aquatic Center! Once we have a clear timeline for reopening, we will communicate that to the public.
January 29, 2025 Update
The engineering report on the Osborn Aquatic Center roof has been provided to the City Council as part of their meeting materials for the February 3, 2025 regular meeting. The report is also available on the City website. The report describes the extent of the corrosion at Osborn, as well as some observations from the engineers about the probable cause of the corrosion. The report also touches on three possible scenarios for repairing the roof, which would be necessary before reopening the Aquatic Center. Staff are working to gather more accurate, refined cost estimates for these proposals to gain a better understanding of the resources required to accomplish the repairs and reopen the Aquatic Center.
January 22, 2025 Update
The preliminary report from the structural engineer about the extent of the corrosion at Osborn, as well as possible scenarios for making repairs, will be provided to the City Council at their February 3, 2025 regular meeting. The meeting materials are expected to be available on the City website by January 29. To sign up to receive an email notification when the meeting materials are ready, you can visit www.corvallisoregon.gov/subscribe and check the box for "City Council" under the "Calendar" heading, then enter your email address in the box at the bottom of the page. Once the report has been published, we will link it from this page as well, so that it is accessible and available to the community.
January 8, 2025 Update
City staff continued to analyze preliminary findings from the structural engineer, with a focus on assessing options to reopening the outdoor areas for limited use. We had initially hoped to open indoor staff areas as well, but this seems less likely based on initial feedback from the structural engineers, so the focus has shifted to obtaining permission to reopen outdoor areas. This involves a safety assessment by the structural engineers, followed by occupancy certification from the Development Services Division. We will share more information about this timeline as soon as we hear back from the building safety officials.
December 26, 2024 Update
City staff continued analyzing preliminary findings from the structural engineer and communicating with School District staff on future discussions about pool repairs.
December 18, 2024 Update
Structural engineers are concluding their testing, and staff will be reviewing their initial findings in the coming weeks. Further discussions between the City of Corvallis and the Corvallis School District are likely as both organizations determine how to prioritize next steps.
With the structural testing complete and the temporary shoring supports installed throughout the interior of the natatorium, engineers and staff are exploring possibilities for short-term use of portions of the Aquatic Center, such as the outdoor pools or some interior areas. More information about the outcome and any possible short-term usage will be communicated to pool users and the general public as soon as we know more.
December 11, 2024 Update
Structural engineers explored various locations in the ceiling to gather information about the extent of the rust and corrosion. More information is expected later this month to help leaders at the City and School District as they discuss next steps for possible repairs.
November 26, 2024 Update
With the shoring supports in place, structural engineers were able to access the ceiling and begin exploring the extent of the corrosion in the roof supports. Engineers intend to open up more than 30 identified locations on the ceiling to examine them for possible corrosion. Preliminary information is expected by the middle of December.
November 19, 2024 Update
Contractors installed floor-to-ceiling shoring supports to prepare the ceiling for a detailed examination later this month. The shoring supports were installed in main pool, which was drained earlier this month. The supports extend from the bottom of the pool up to the ceiling 30 feet above and are connected with scaffolding to create a supportive framework to brace the ceiling.
November 13, 2024 Update
City staff and contractors were busy this week delivering equipment and preparing to install shoring supports inside the natatorium. Some overhead ductwork and lighting fixtures will also need to be removed before the shoring supports can be installed.
November 4, 2024 Update
Over the weekend, City maintenance staff drained the indoor swimming pool. Emptying the pool is a necessary first step before a shoring contractor can install temporary support structures to shore up the roof of the pool. This work must be completed before additional structural testing can be performed.
October 24, 2024 Update
The City has engaged a shoring contractor to install support structures inside the natatorium to support the roof. Shoring up the roof will allow structural engineers to safely access the interior of the Aquatic Center to carry out testing and assessment of the steel roof structure.
October 2, 2024 Update
The City has closed Osborn Aquatic Center as it explores areas of rust and corrosion in the roof over the pool. Additional testing will help staff determine the extent of the corrosion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few common questions we've received about Osborn Aquatic Center during this unexpected closure.
How was the corrosion discovered?
The corrosion was discovered in late September during a planned closure of the Aquatic Center. City maintenance staff were replacing light fixtures hanging from the ceiling (about 30 feet above the pool) when they spotted several areas of corrosion. The facility was closed to ensure the safety of the public while the City made plans to engage a structural engineer to conduct additional testing.
Wasn't the roof replaced recently? Why wasn't this discovered earlier?
The exterior envelope of the roof was replaced in 2023. The corrosion was discovered in the area between the roof and the ceiling — think of it like the attic of your home. The roof over the pool is closed off and inaccessible for the most part. And because the ceiling is located 30 feet above the ground, it's difficult to conduct visual inspections. Maintenance staff noticed small spots of rust when they were using hydraulic lifts to repair light fixtures.
How much will repairs cost?
The preliminary structural engineering report offers some broad comments on the magnitude of the cost. We are endeavoring to commission a more refined, detailed cost estimate from an engineering firm.
Who owns the pool?
Osborn Aquatic Center is owned by the Corvallis School District, and the City of Corvallis manages the day-to-day operations and programming through the Parks & Recreation Department. Both organizations have a stake in the future of the Aquatic Center. Decisions about repairs and associated costs will be discussed by the partner agencies (City and School District) once more information has been gathered through the technical assessment process.
Long-term plans to expand the administrative and staff areas of Osborn Aquatic Center are part of the citywide facilities strategy, which was developed a few years ago to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by aging City facilities. However, the roof issues at Osborn are new and unexpected.
Doesn't the City's Livability Levy pay for the Aquatic Center?
Yes, Osborn Aquatic Center is one of several City facilities that are funded through the five-year, voter-approved local operating levy, which was most recently renewed in November 2023. The levy funding is intended to pay for operations at the Aquatic Center (staff, programming, equipment, supplies, etc.) but not capital expenditures.
How are you handling memberships and refunds for canceled activities?
The Aquatic Center staff have placed all memberships on hold and have issued credits to all aquatic programming that was canceled due to the closure. Refunds can be requested by using this online form or calling 541-766-7946. All aquatic memberships are valid at Corvallis Community Center to attend either in-person or virtual exercise drop-in classes. There are also other local pools that offer lap swimming, aquatic exercise classes, and swimming lessons. Please contact us with any questions at 541-766-7946.
How long until Osborn can open up again?
The structural engineering report has provided a high level understanding of the scope of the damage to the Aquatic Center roof. City leaders are working with the property owner (Corvallis School District) to gain some more refined cost estimates and chart a path forward for making repairs.