Inclusion & Accommodations

Commitment to Inclusion and Community
Corvallis Parks & Recreation is committed to the overall citywide vision of an inclusive community. We recognize, understand, and celebrate the differences that surround us. Diversity, equity, & inclusion are vital to Corvallis Parks & Recreation's ideals and values.
It is the policy of the City of Corvallis that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any city program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or other protected class status.
We are proud to offer our community the following programs and services aligned with our policies and beliefs on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.
Accessibility Services
Corvallis Parks & Recreation is committed to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that our facilities, programs and services are accessible to and usable by all people, including individuals with disabilities, in addition to ADA guidelines.
- Inclusion Supports are available by requesting accommodations using the Corvallis Parks & Recreation Accommodation Request form. Our Front Desk staff at any facility can assist you in completing the Accommodation Request Form. We are committed to making all reasonable accommodations to ensure extra support in programs is provided to those who need it through our inclusion process.
- Youth Inclusion Supports - We recognize that some youth require additional support in order to participate fully in recreational activities. Through the Inclusion Services Program, parents, caregivers and youth work with the Therapeutic Recreation Program Assistant and Recreation staff to create a plan to support the youth’s individual needs. This process will be unique to each participant and we look forward to working collaboratively to support every child. Supports are available by requesting accommodations using the Corvallis Parks & Recreation Accommodation Request form. Our Front Desk staff at any facility can assist you in completing the Accommodation Request Form.
Youth Inclusion Supports
Recreation Youth Programs are designed as public recreation camps, afterschool programs, no-school day programs or classes, not as therapeutic environments. Through inclusion supports, we will work to provide reasonable activity modifications, environmental supports and extra support staff as needed. Corvallis Parks & Recreation will not fundamentally change the nature of the program. For example, general program activities will not be eliminated as an accommodation.
- The Therapeutic Recreation Program Assistant will provide on-going training and mentorship to youth program staff. Training and mentorship opportunities include how to implement individual support plans, ways to adapt directions, environments and activities to provide universal or individual support as needed, and the importance of creating inclusive recreation opportunities.
- In general, staff will not work exclusively with one child. If you feel that your child needs support beyond what is outlined, please advocate and communicate with us. We encourage those who need individualized support for any reason to provide a Personal Support Worker.
The Therapeutic Recreation Program Assistant and Recreation Coordinators will address concerns with timeliness and transparency through your preferred method of communication. Decision-making is based on the safety and health of all participants and staff and will be at the discretion of the Recreation Coordinators.
Accessibility Options
The City of Corvallis Parks & Recreation Department strives to make recreational opportunities available to everyone. We are committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act. Request additional Accessibility Service using the Corvallis Parks & Recreation Accommodation Request form. Examples of accommodations may include:
- An accessible van with wheelchair lift can be secured for activities that provide van transportation. Please make your request at least three weeks in advance. The van is booked on a first come, first served basis.
- Large print can be provided with two weeks advance notice. Three or fewer large-print copies can be provided upon request. Staff can assist you by reading requested sections of publications by phone or in person if immediate assistance is needed.
The Therapeutic Recreation Program Assistant and Recreation Coordinators will address concerns with timeliness and transparency through your preferred method of communication. Decision-making is based on the safety and health of all participants and staff and will be at the discretion of the Recreation Coordinators.
Registration & Rental Practices
- Activity Guide in English and Spanish
- Scholarship Program
- Family Assistance
- Benton County Youth Scholarship
- Majestic Theatre Gala Youth Assistance (TBD)
- Varying locations and times for customer support
- Online registration
- Ability to apply Scholarship funds to online transactions
- Nonprofit Rental Rates
Inclusive & Adaptive Programming
We offer adaptive recreation programs for individuals with cognitive, emotional, mental, social, and physical disabilities to expand access to health and wellness opportunities. Programs include:
- ASL interpretation at Majestic performances
- Hearing Assistance at Majestic performances
- Therapeutic Recreation at Osborn
- AARP Foundation Tax Aide
- Assistive Listening Equipment
- Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)
- Foot Care
- Tools and Hardware to support patrons getting in and out of the pool at Osborn
- Chair Zumba
- Accessible transportation for Trips & Tours
- CAPRA model for Majestic Performances
- PRC at Majestic
- DEIA training for Theatre Directors
- Parkinsons Ping Pong
- Blood Pressure Clinic
- Tech-Aid Computer Support
- Legal Aid
- C3 Computer Access Program
- Inclusive Parks
- Riverfront Fountain
- Coming 2025: Avery Park Playground
Community & Family Programming
- Theatre events in the Park
- Puppetry in the Park
- Family Night at the Community Center
- Movie in the Park events
- C3 Craft Night
- Monday Musicals @ Majestic
- Majestic Drink & Draw
- Homelife Inc – Free Film Festival at the Majestic Theatre
- CAFA $5 tickets (Corvallis Arts For All) to mainstage Majestic performances
- C3 Annual Pride Potluck
- Cooks and Books
- Planet Palooza
- Intro to ASL for youth
- Winter Wildlife Field Days (includes curriculum fully available in Spanish)
Relationships & Partnerships
- Cornerstone Associates
- The Coffee Leaf Café at the Corvallis Community Center is being managed by Cornerstone!
- Pride Prom
- Work Unlimited
- Wings Program
- Easter Seals
- 509J
- Library
- MLK Park Project Board/Ambassador Group
- Drama Squad
- Fall Festival
- The Art Center
- Benton County Library
- Homelife Inc
- The Arc of Benton County
- Corvallis Multicultural Literacy Center
- Corvallis Indoor Park
- Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
- Winter Wildlife Field Days
Employer Responsibilities
We offer adaptive recreation programs for individuals with cognitive, emotional, mental, social, and physical disabilities to expand access to health and wellness opportunities. Programs include:
- Full-time Staff Bilingual Pay Increase (program)
- Supported Employment positions and relationships
- Foundational training for part-time camp counselors in inclusion and access (behavior as communication, trauma-informed approach to working with youth, adapting activities for youth with various needs)