Trees - Urban Forestry

people with shovels, one pushing a "Corvallis Parks" wheelbarrow

Urban Forestry is the planting, care and management of all trees and associated vegetation that make up the "forest" within a city.   These activities are all part of the Urban Forestry Management Plan, which is overseen by the City's Urban Forester, the Parks Supervisor, and the Department Director.

Love trees? Learn more with our Corvallis Trees Database


Awards and Recognition

The Parks and Recreation Urban Forestry program has been consistently recognized for its efforts at improving ecosystem values provided by our Urban Forest. To date, Urban Forestry efforts have resulted in: 

The Urban Forestry program is very closely associated with the Civic Beautification and Urban Forestry Staff Advisory Committee (CBUF). On June 5, 2008, members of CBUF were recognized at the State Urban Forestry Conference in Portland with the "Tree Board of the Year" award for their efforts to enhance and maintain Oregon’s community forests (trees and related vegetation growing within a city’s urban growth boundary). The award was presented by Oregon Community Trees, the Oregon Department of Forestry and the USDA Forest Service.

The Urban Forestry staff work closely with CBUF, which advises Parks & Recreation staff on the preservation, planting, removal, and maintenance of trees and landscapes. We are currently seeking dedicated individuals to join the advisory committee. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Urban Forestry at 541-754-2823.


Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

chip ross trail
bald hill
Kimberly Callahan submission
Iliana submission
Lester submission
Hathai submission
bryan submission
mark lee submission
John submission
Brent submission
Josh C submission