Dogs in the Parks

Dogs are amazing friends that always want to do the right thing! Help them by checking out the city Dogs in Parks Rules
Corvallis has both leashed and un-leashed areas for dogs. Some are human only. See the list below!
Dogs may romp off-leash with their humans in the designated off-leash areas of these parks:
- Corvallis **Fenced** Dog Park: entire enclosed area at 3rd & B Streets
- Bald Hill Park: areas north and west of the barn ONLY
- Chip Ross Park: entire park is off-leash
- Martin Luther King Jr. Park: open fields south of the multi-modal path, EXCEPT ball fields
- Willamette Park: entire park EXCEPT sports fields, playground and shelter areas
- Woodland Meadow Park: west side of the park ONLY
- Crystal Lake Sports Fields: Seasonally unleashed on turf areas until 2 weeks prior to sport season (Sometime in March/April these areas change for the season to on-leash only) ; dogs must always be on leash near the boat ramp
Dogs are NOT permitted in these Corvallis parks, even when on leash:
- Central Park
- Chintimini Park
- Franklin Square Park
- Lily Park
- Washington Park (dogs prohibited in the playground area only, otherwise allowed on leash)
- Riverfront Fountain
In all other Corvallis parks, dogs may be in the parks and must be leashed.
In ALL areas that dogs are allowed, humans with dogs must:
- Pick up after your dog per Municipal Code
- For their safety, make sure your dogs are well trained before taking them to an off-leash park.
- If your dog has previously displayed dog, human, or wildlife aggression, please do not allow your dog off-leash in ANY Corvallis park.
- Respect other park users by preventing your dog from jumping on, barking at, or otherwise harassing patrons.
- Display license, vaccination, and owner contact information tags on your dog's collar.
- Because dogs under 4 months old are vulnerable to injury & illness, they are not appropriate for off-leash areas.
- Do not bring females "in heat" to off-leash areas.
- For safety, do not bring more than 3 dogs per person to an off-leash area.
- Do not allow your dog to dig holes on City property.
- Only one of Corvallis' off-leash areas is fenced. For everyone's safety (including theirs), only dogs that will respond to voice control and reliably return to you should be allowed off-leash in the non-fenced parks (parking lots are not considered part of the off-leash areas).
Looking for more canine fun? Check the Osborn Aquatic Center's Special Events page for information on Osborn's Dog Day, held annually, usually in early October. This event gives dogs the opportunity to enjoy water play in Osborn's outdoor pools, after the human swimming season has ended.