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Investigations Unit

The Corvallis Police Department currently has six full time detectives assigned to the Investigations Unit. Detectives are police officers temporarily assigned to a long-term specialty assignment.  They receive additional, specialized cross-training to prepare them for various investigative requirements such as child abuse, arson, and homicides. 

Uniformed Patrol Services

Patrol's charge is to provide a safe environment for the Corvallis community and to educate the community through enforcement of local, state and federal laws, presentations and responding to calls for service.

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Traffic Services

The Traffic Safety Management Plan is a commitment to a community policing strategy of enforcing traffic laws to promote safety and compliance with regulations, and to working in partnership with the community and other public and private entities to resolve traffic problems through education, engineering and participation. The outcome is a safer community for all modes of transportation.

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Parking Enforcement

The Corvallis Police Department Parking Enforcement Unit's charge is to educate the community and enforce the rules for parking in the areas surrounding the Oregon State University Campus, downtown and other areas throughout Corvallis and to make parking in Corvallis a more positive experience for everyone.

Free Parking Downtown

In the downtown business district you may park free while you shop or conduct your business. The majority of free parking is a three hour time limit - the only exceptions are the meters and 15 and 30 minute time zones.

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Police Service Dogs

In 1997 the Corvallis Police Department implemented the Police Service Dog Program to assist with calls for service.

Our K-9 Teams are specifically trained and used for:

• Tracking subjects which include suspects of criminal activity,
• Trailing subjects/suspects,
• Wind scenting subjects/suspects,
• Conducting building searches where it is believed a suspect of a crime may be located,
• Locating and recovering evidence,
• Protection of officers or other persons from aggressive or dangerous persons,

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Chapter 10: Miscellaneous

            Section 43.  Existing Ordinances Continued.  All ordinances of the City consistent with this Charter and in force when it takes effect shall remain in effect until amended or repealed.

[As amended by special election, November 7, 1995; and general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 9: Public Improvements

            Section 38.  Condemnation.  Any necessity of taking property for the City by condemnation shall be determined by the Council and declared by a resolution of the Council describing the property and stating the uses to which it is to be devoted.

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 8: Ordinances

            Section 35.  Enacting Clause.  The enacting clause of all ordinances hereafter enacted by the Council shall be "The City of Corvallis ordains as follows:"

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 7: Vacancies in Office

            Section 33.  What Creates Vacancy.  An office shall be deemed vacant upon the incumbent's death, incompetence, conviction of a felony, resignation or absence from the City for 30 days without the consent of the Council in case of the Mayor or Councilor; upon the incumbent's ceasing to possess the qualifications necessary for the office; or upon the failure of the person elected or appointed to an office to qualify therefor within three days after the time for the term of office to commence; and in case of the Mayor or a Councilor, upon absence from meetings of t
