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Lodging Tax Payments

The City of Corvallis, Benton County, and State lodging tax should be remitted to the Oregon Department of Revenue. For questions, please contact (541) 766-6729 ext. 5138.


If you collect payment from lodging customers, you are responsible for collecting the lodging tax. The City of Corvallis, Benton County, and State lodging tax should be remitted to the Oregon Department of Revenue. Under the law, whoever collects payment for occupancy is responsible for collecting and remitting the tax as the Lodging Tax Collector.


Lodging Tax FAQs

Lodging Tax Announcements

Effective February 1, 2022 | Lodging Tax Administration Changes

Beginning February 1, 2022, all City of Corvallis, Benton County, and State of Oregon Lodging Taxes will be collected by the Oregon Department of Revenue. Please remit all payments to the Oregon Department of Revenue.  

Lodging Tax Registration Forms for the City of Corvallis and Benton County should be submitted to the City.  If you are needing to make a payment on past due taxes related to activity before 1/1/2022, please contact the City of Corvallis.  


Commissions consist of appointed members who have some delegated decision-making responsibility, usually from the City Council. In addition, these Commissions provide policy advice to the City Council.

Operational Advisory Committees

Operational Advisory Committees are ongoing bodies that advise staff on operational matters. Operational Advisory Committees focus primarily on operational areas, but sometimes they may be asked to look at a policy topic by the City Council. Operational needs may be further assisted by operational work groups, which are short-term advisory bodies that advise staff on specific operational matters and then disband.

In general, the structure and operations of committees and work groups are more flexible and customized to the needs of the topic or issue.
