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Chapter 10: Miscellaneous

            Section 43.  Existing Ordinances Continued.  All ordinances of the City consistent with this Charter and in force when it takes effect shall remain in effect until amended or repealed.

[As amended by special election, November 7, 1995; and general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 9: Public Improvements

            Section 38.  Condemnation.  Any necessity of taking property for the City by condemnation shall be determined by the Council and declared by a resolution of the Council describing the property and stating the uses to which it is to be devoted.

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 8: Ordinances

            Section 35.  Enacting Clause.  The enacting clause of all ordinances hereafter enacted by the Council shall be "The City of Corvallis ordains as follows:"

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 7: Vacancies in Office

            Section 33.  What Creates Vacancy.  An office shall be deemed vacant upon the incumbent's death, incompetence, conviction of a felony, resignation or absence from the City for 30 days without the consent of the Council in case of the Mayor or Councilor; upon the incumbent's ceasing to possess the qualifications necessary for the office; or upon the failure of the person elected or appointed to an office to qualify therefor within three days after the time for the term of office to commence; and in case of the Mayor or a Councilor, upon absence from meetings of t

Chapter 6: Elections

Section 25.  General Elections.  A general municipal election shall be held biennially in the City of Corvallis at the same time that the general biennial election for State and county officers is held in the State of Oregon, and at each general election the successors shall be elected for all elective offices whose terms of office expire prior to the next biennial election.

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 5: Powers and Duties of Officers

Section 22.  Mayor.  The Mayor shall appoint the committees provided under the rules of the Council. The Mayor shall sign all approved records of proceedings of the Council.

Chapter 4: Council

Section 15.  Meetings.  The Council shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month at a time and place in the City which it designates and shall adopt rules for the government of its members and proceedings.  The Mayor upon their own motion may, or at the request of three members of the Council shall, by giving lawful notice, call a special meeting of the Council for a time not earlier than 24 hours nor later than 72 hours after the notice is given.  In case of an actual emergency, a meeting may be held upon such notice as is appropriate under the circumstances, with

Chapter 3: Form of Government

            Section 7.  Where Powers Vested.  Except as this Charter provides otherwise, all powers of the City shall be vested in the Council.

[As amended by general election November 7, 2006 (section renumbered).]

Chapter 2: Powers

Section 3.  Powers of the City.  The City shall have all the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities which the constitutions, statutes, and common law of the United States and of this State expressly or impliedly grant or allow municipalities, including those rights, powers, privileges, and immunities which a City can exercise upon specifically accepting them or upon being granted the power to exercise them by the people of the City or the legislature of the State, as fully as though this Charter expressly stated each of those rights, powers, privileges, and immunities a

Chapter 1: Names and Boundaries

            Section 1.  Title of Enactment.  This enactment may be referred to as the Corvallis Charter of 2021, an amendment of the 2017 Charter.

[As amended by special election November 2, 2021]

            Section 2.  Name of City.  The City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, shall continue to be a municipal corporation, with the name "City of Corvallis."
