Web Page

Bikes on Buses

Double your transportation options by taking your bike on the bus. Like you, your bike rides fareless on Corvallis Transit System (CTS) and Philomath Connection (PC), as do all buses that connect to CTS.

Important notes:

Connecting Services

There are many public and private transportation providers that link to CTS or that can be combined to get you from Corvallis to destinations up and down the west coast. Explore these other agency links for more information.  

Trip Planners:

Getting Around Via Bus

Getting around Corvallis or the Willamette Valley via the bus has never been easier. 

Check out the links below for more information about bringing your bike on the bus, or using CTS to connect to one of the many other public transportation services that can take you to nearby cities in the Valley.

Finally, give Google Transit a try.  This trip planner can help you plan everything from local CTS trips to long-distance journeys. 

Bus Schedules

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Spanish Map (Mapa Español)

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Council Meetings on Vimeo

Regular meetings of the Corvallis City Council are posted on Vimeo. Click the link to browse current and past meeting videos.

Public Input Form

The City Council always wants to hear from members of the community, but we recognize that not everyone can attend regular council meetings and work sessions.

(Ex: "Chip Ross trails" or "New housing development on Walnut")
Please choose a meeting date from the menu below.
Yes, this is a trick question and easy to answer.
We ask it because spam bots are not smart enough to answer correctly, while humans are.
