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Advertising on Buses

Corvallis Transit System no longer has advertisements on its buses.

ADA Paratransit Cost

"Since CTS is fareless, will my BAT Lift rides be fareless, too?"  The answer to that question is ...Yes. BAT Lift rides are currently fareless.

BAT Lift is the contractor for several different programs but at least two of those programs overlap:

    The City's ADA Paratransit Service program, and
    The Benton County Special Transportation Fund (STF) program.

ADA Paratransit Eligibility

Paratransit Eligibility

There are 3 categories of eligibility, found in the Code of Federal Regulations -ADA Paratransit Eligibility Standards (49 CAVER 37.123 (e)(1-3)):

1."An individual with a disability who is unable, as the result of a physical or mental impairment (including a vision impairment), and without the assistance of another individual (except the operator of a wheelchair lift or other boarding assistance device), to board, ride, or disembark from any vehicle on the system which is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities."

ADA Paratransit Application

Use one of these applications for all new and renewal Corvallis and Philomath ADA paratransit (BAT Lift) requests.  Applications may take up to 21 days to process.

Online ADA Paratransit Application


Printable ADA Paratransit Application (PDF) 


ADA Paratransit (Benton Area Transit Lift, "BAT Lift")

Before you apply for Paratransit service, consider giving the buses a try. Many people with disabilities are able to ride the fixed-route bus.  In fact, in a 2013 rider survey, 25% of CTS riders reported they have a disability.

All Corvallis Transit System (CTS) buses are equipped with ramps or lifts, can lower to curb height, and have reader board and verbally announced stops.

Emergency Bus Operations

Corvallis Transit System (CTS) and the Philomath Connection (PC) are a part of the Benton County Emergency Operations Plan. If an emergency such as an earthquake or flood occurs in our area, regular bus service may be suspended so that our buses can be used to assist with the emergency, as needed. CTS and PC buses may be used to evacuate people from dangerous areas, relocate the wounded, or transport emergency workers and supplies into the area.

City of Corvallis' FTA Title VI Plan

The City of Corvallis operates its programs, including the provision of transit services, without regard to race, color or national origin.

For inquiries about the City of Corvallis' non-discrimination policies, or to file a discrimination complaint, contact the Title VI Coordinator in the City Manager's Office, 541-766-6902.

Code of Conduct on Buses

Corvallis Transit System Code of Conduct And Implementing Procedures 

February 2006

Introduction and Purpose
Elderly and Disabled Seating

Corvallis Transit System Lost & Found

MTR Western is currently contracted to provide bus operations for Corvallis Transit System (CTS) and Philomath Connection (PC), including handling lost and found items. 

Contact MTR Western immediately if you have left an item on a bus.  Be prepared with the bus Route number, as well as the date and time you lost the item and a detailed description of it.
