Web Page

Affirmative Action Plan

Ever committed to affirmative action, the City of Corvallis has prepared this Affirmative Action Plan to cover employees reporting to or working in Corvallis, Oregon. This plan also covers employees working in other establishments who report to managers included in this plan.

Airport Advisory Board

Regularly scheduled meeting of the Board which advises City Council on Airport matters.

City Council

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend City Council meetings.  Meeting materials are typically available five days before the meeting. 

Members of the community wishing to offer comment in advance on topics appearing on any City Council agenda are encouraged to use the public input form at www.corvallisoregon.gov/publicinput.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Regular monthly meeting of the Board to advise the City Council on bicycle and pedestrian matters.

Neighborhood Photo Survey

The Neighborhood Photo Survey was first introduced to Corvallis in 2012 by way of a partnership between PreservationWORKS, the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, and Benton County. The survey documents land use, architecture, and basic neighborhood character while building community connections and helping the City collect visual data to inform decisions such as compatible infill, densification, and to assist in future policy development and design standards.

Neighborhoods that are approximately 50 years old or older are encouraged to organize a Neighborhood Photo Survey.

Start a Neighborhood Association

A neighborhood association is a geographically based organization of people who organize around common interests of the members.  It provides a means for neighbors to decide what needs to be done and work together to make it happen.  Together, neighbors can plan projects and activities beneficial to their area, create a forum for discussion of local issues, and establish means to participate in community decision-making.



Existing Neighborhood Associations

Recognized Neighborhood Associations

The following neighborhoods meet the City's basic requirements for neighborhood organizations. Click the links below for more details, including boundaries, bylaws, and contact information.

Library Advisory Board

Monthly meeting of the Library Advisory Board.  Public welcome.

Planning Commission

Meeting agendas and materials are generally available one week prior to the meeting.

Meeting Packet (Staff Reports and Agenda)

