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Social Service Allocations

The City of Corvallis is committed to helping serve the most vulnerable populations in our community with the allocation of the Social Services Grant Fund. Every year, these funds make immeasurable differences in the lives of families and individuals who are experiencing houselessness, are at risk of houselessness, or are extremely low to low income households.

Empowerment Grant Program

Empowerment Grants help individuals and organizations work together to accomplish common goals that support the overall health, vitality and inclusivity of the place they call "home." The City of Corvallis offers these grants to applicants who can demonstrate support through cash, in-kind donation, and volunteer hours.

This is a competitive grant program. Applications are reviewed by the Community Involvement and Diversity Advisory Board, and selected grants are awarded by the City Council. Grant amounts are typically in the range of $300 to $600 dollars each.

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City of Corvallis Online Privacy Policy


This policy addresses collection, use and security of and access to information that may be obtained through use of the City of Corvallis web site. It is provided for informational purposes only. The information presented here is not meant to be a contract of any type, either express or implied, and should not be treated as such by site visitors. The information in this statement and/or the policies described here may change at any time, without prior notice to any visitor. 

Housing Discrimination

The Fair Housing Act states that no one may discriminate against a person based on, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (families with children), or handicap, when renting or selling a home.

Local Assistance Resources

Corvallis has a wide range of non-profit organizations working to connect resources to those in need.  
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