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Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Capital Targets & City Service Bill Rate Impacts Open House - Possible Quorum of City Council

To learn more about the purpose of this Open House, please click HERE.

The Mayor and members of City Council will be in attendance, with a possible quorum.  

Open House Opportunities with Council

The City Council has scheduled open houses to engage with community members regarding infrastructure needs, rate adjustments necessary to address priorities, and a 5-year transition plan.  Council has scheduled four different sessions on different dates, times, and locations in hopes of connecting with as many community members as possible.  All sessions will be structured the same so there is no need to attend all of them; pick one that is convenient with your schedule.

Discussion Series Presentations and Deliberations

This page provides links to staff presentations and Council deliberations that led to Council’s selection of capital targets, the five-year transition plan, and the engagement strategy.

Click here to return to the main Capital Targets Discussion Series & City Service Bill Rate Impacts page.


Capital Targets Discussion Series & City Service Bill Rate Impacts

Beginning in August 2023, Council kicked-off a months-long discussion series aimed at balancing financial needs and means for capital projects in our Water, Sewer, Stormwater, and Street systems.  Not surprisingly, the financial resources required to fund identified needs far exceed the financial resources currently available in each service area.
